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Andy's P.O.V.

the door bell went. Shit the mega whore is here. Tasha answered the door.

"Heya how's you, I'm sorry we fought, can we still be friends,.I will be there  for you no matter what!" Jade said practically screaming. She still has a thing for her, it's so obvious.

"Yeah it's fine, come on in, I kinda missed being your friend." Tasha said hugging her and letting jade in. Jesus please don't Tasha like her again!

"Heya Jade." I said trying to be kind.

"Hi, how are you?" She said. She wants something.

"I'm great what about you?"

"I'm fine, but can I talk to you for a minute please?" she asked, she definitely wants something or wants to do something.

"What do you want Jade?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

"You have to split up with Tasha." She said, Wtf I'm not breaking up with her, why the fuck would she say that!?

"Umm how about no." I said.

"Fine then, you will just get cheated on." She said smirking.

"No! Get. The. Fuck. Out. My. House. You. Crazy. Bitch!" I screamed at her and she left and I slammed the door after her.

"What did she do?" Tasha asked.

"It wanted me to break up with you, because it said that you will end up cheating on me." What She doesn't deserve a name so her name is 'IT'.

"I would never cheat on you baby, your the best thing that ever happened to me, especially after I got raped by someone, ans then I or abused by my ex boyfriend Scott! He was  a dick and now your my perfect boyfriend, I would never dare to CHEAT on you. I really love you so much!" She said and when she said cheat she said it so that it stood out more.

"I love you to, and I won't cheat on you ever either." I said kissing her lips passionately. I asked  for entry she let me. We were.kissing untill the door bell went.

"Fuck!" Tasha said.

"What's wrong?" I asked she seemed pissed off.

"Nothing I was  enjoying our time together." She said getting up and then getting the door.

"Oh hi." Tasha said.

"Oh well you could seem more happy to see me bitch!" Said a high pitched voice

"I'm joking you twat, but anyway come in I want you to meet Andy my Boyfriend." She said, who the fuck was she? She was quite short, she had brown and red hair, she was pretty, but not as pretty as Tasha.

"Hi I'm Andy." I said.

"Hey I'm Libby, I'm Tashas friend well sister." She said.

"Oh cool, so where you live?" I asked.

"I live with Levi my Boyfriend at the minute." She said.

"Levi really he is a dick, he's in my class and he bullies me, he's an utter that face dick!" Tasha said in an angry voice. Why dis she never tell me she got bullied?

"Hey we got cheer try outs on Sunday!" Libby said trying to change subject.

"Yes, I got to start practicing my heal stretches and my gym ans shizzle like that." She said, when the fuck did she do cheerleading!?

"You do cheerleading?" I asked

"Yea, I did it in England I was vice captain then the captain left and I became captain-" She got cut off by Libby.

"She was well probably is the best cheerleader in the whole fucking world no jokes, she has the spirit the skills and all that stuff." Libby said tasha started to go red.

"No uhh I am not, shut up Libby, your really annoying sometimes." Tasha said.

"I think you should come along Andy!" Libby shouted.

"No I'm fine mate I really don't need to." I said, why the fuck would I want to do cheerleading!?

"Shit! I don't have any sports bras or any shoe shorts!!" Tasha burst out, damn she scared me.

"Well let's go shopping, and Libby can come as well." I said

"Ok, but you won't get all pervy with us now Andy will you?" Tasha said, ok she was hot when she went shopping for bras and shit like that.

"No I won't I promise."

---------------After Shopping.

"Ok we got enough." I Said.

"We got a small amount!" Tasha shouted.

We got about 30 Sports bras. 45 Pairs of Sport shorts and then loads of White socks. Never knew what a cheerleader needed, I thought they needed pom poms. Oh yeah self note- Never say about pom poms to Tasha she will flip out on your ass. And she is scary when she flips out no joke.

"Right I'm pitting one of my sports bras on its to hot in here." Tasha said, ok she will turn me on full stop.

She came downstairs in a black and luminous pink sports bra she then cam gave me and kiss an  turned around to the kitchen. She has scars on her back.

"Babe what's on your back?" I asked she didn't answer, she was obviously scared of what she think I would do to her.

"Babe I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I said comforting her.

"There just scars I don't know what they are, I never did it to myself, I used to do it on my stomach, but there, can we leave it please babe?" She said, she used to cut on her stomach?

"Ok, I'm going to bed you going to join me?" I said winking at her, she just nodded. oh by this time Libby  went back to Levi 's house.

Tasha got into bed and she snuggled in to me and she started crying, I don't know why. she then fell asleep I stayed up all night that night because she was crying all night in her sleep, but why?

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