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Andy's P.O.V.

Ok when the fuck did Jinxx do cheer?? Me and the boys burst out into a giggle fit. Tasha just snapped at us. She is always serious about stuff.  We decided to tell everyone something that no one knew about us. Tasha went first.

"Ok well..." She stuttered. "I actually died once, I was on drugs because I was so depressed. I got resuscitated and brought back to life. I have never touched drugs again. Except for the green stuff. That's why I haven't when we have parties cuzz I'm scared about drugs." She said.

"Oh my Jesus, Tasha why did you never tell me this?" Tiegan said, she looked concerned.

"Because I was scared about what you would think of me. And can I just say that this was in year 8 and that's why I was so happy all the time untill I backed  out that one time."She said to Tiegan.

"Tasha!" I said.

"Please don't hate me, I haven't touched the shit again. I will do a fucking drug test to prove it." She said.

"Tasha I don't care, I believe you, but why did you never tell anyone about this?" I asked, I would never leave her.

"I didn't want to lose any of you as friends." She said.

"Ok, who's next?" I said, trying to move subject. Everyone was still in shock.

"Ok I'll go next." I said, seen as no one in focus.

"Ok Babe" Tasha said.

"Umm when I was younger, I self harmed I know you knew that, but I'm originally from England, and I have a sister called Tiffany Ellen-" Before i could finish what I was saying Tasha butted in.

"Price?! Please say her last name wasn't Price!" She said.

"Why?" i asked.

"Because if it is, I'm your sister. Unless I'm adopted." She said, shit was she my sister?

"Umm it was her last name. I changed my last name because I got sent to an adoption centre cuzz I was a 'Pain in the ass' according to my mother Barbara." I said.

"Ok someone pass me my phone now!" Tasha screamed. I passed it to her. She took it and dialled a number.

"Hello, hi it's Tasha. Am I adopted this is fucking serious tell me the fucking truth!.... I don't care about my language, my relationship is in danger.... Thank fuck for that thank you, and why did you never tell me I was!?...... I don't want to know bye!" She said l.

"What is it?" I asked

"I'm also Adopted!" She said with relief. (A/N again I know that that this is not true, I want to make it exciting!)

"Thank fuck!" I said.

"Ok Tiegan it's your turn." Tasha said, and Tiegan sighed.

"Ok here goes nothing. I used to get beaten by this boy called Sam Overington. Tasha got beat to, but I would get sexually abused because I would help Tasha, I wouldn't care if it happened Tasha was well is my sister my little sister and I will do anything for her." She said.

"I am going to beat the shit out of him when he comes visits Libby!!! I'm so sorry Tiegan!" She shouted, finally we were being honest.

"Ok can someone else go." Tiegan said.

"I'll go babe." CC said.

"Umm I have anorexia." He said.

"What!!" Every one shouted.

"I eat so much so no one knows, I just throw it up when I go home." He said.

"We will help you get better man!" Ash said.

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