What's The Truth?

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Tashas P.O.V

After the Cheer try outs I went up to my room, as quickly as I could because I was tired and I didn't feel like talking. I put You Me At Six on and the Rumour came on and I played it full blast, someone knocked on my door, I ignored it, I didn't want to talk to anybody!

"Tasha open the door." I heard Ash say, what the fuck does he want, he isn't my dad, and isn't my bf and he isn't my brother!

"No!" I shouted. I was getting pissed at this point.

"Tasha open the fucking door now!" He hissed

"Fuck off, you ain't my brother or my dad, so just fuck off!" I shouted and then I broke down into tears.

"Just let me in Tasha!" Ash said. I unlocked my door, then went and sat on my bed.

"What the fuck do you want?" I said in a pissed voice.

"T-Tasha what's wrong?" He asked.

"Oh I'm fine, just pissed off, you know the fucking normal, I'm always pissed off." I said I got up and clenched my fist and punched the wall.

"Fuck!" Ash said. "Why did you do that?" He asked.

"What punching a wall? Don't seem so surprised, every time you hear a bang downstairs that's me punching another wall. Go on call me a psycho I don't care!" I stared into his eyes. He had a look of worry in them.

"Tasha you need to talk to someone, punching walls won't help. Trust me, even if it is talking to Andy about it, or even me. We will support you." He said.

"You sound like someone in my old school. They said that, and then they told everyone that I cut, I starved myself and that I punched walls and they told everyone about my problems. I never trust anyone anymore. So I would like it if you fucked off out of my bed room now. Thanks bye." I said pushing Ash out of the door. I locked it again. Save it For the Bedroom came on by YM@6 I loved this song I started dancing then all of a sudden I collapsed. What he fuck?! Shit please say my legs haven't fucked up again!

"ANDY, ASHLEY, SOMEONE HELP ME, I'M STUCK ON MY FLOOR AND I CAN'T MOVE! JUST BASH DOWN MY DOOR!" I shouted and they ran up stairs and I was crying. I can't be paralysed again.  They finally bashed my door open. Andy came running to me.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asked, Ash was just in pure shock.

"M-My legs, T-They have S-Stopped Working A-Again." I stuttered.

"What do you mean again." Andy asked.

"I'll explain later, just take me to he hospital, then they can figure what has happened." I said he nodded and picked me up bridal style and he ran all the way to the hospital.

"Why didn't you take the car?" I asked.

"Because I w-was rushing, I'm scared for you babe." He said.

"It's fine, but u won't be walking at least two weeks." I said.

"How do you know." He asked.

"This has happened before, but the doctors never found out what was wrong with my legs. I just blamed it on me." I said.

"It wouldn't of been your fault." He said.

"It is it's cuzz I always used to lie and I would be an 'emo' according to people, so I just became a different me, I dyed my hair blonde and I always wore tonnes of make up."I said.

"Wow, never do that again, your beautiful the way you are. Never change." He said I smiled and snuggled into his shoulder.

"Natasha Sallie Price."I heard the doctor say, shit why my middle name?

"Is that your middle name?" Andy asked, I just nodded. we walked over to the nurse, well I got carried by Andy. He was such a gentleman, no joke.

"Well you say you have had this problem before."The nurse said.

"Yes, but I could walk a little, but this time my legs have completely stopped working." I said.

"Ok your going to be put into a wheelchair for two weeks and you can't do any sports for a month." She said.

"A MONTH!!" I screamed.

"Yes sorry, but it's for your own health." She said

"I don't care about my health, I need to still be able to do cheer!" I said, I was upset about this.

"Sorry, you can't. We can give you a doctor's note, but we can't let you do any dance or sports for at least a month, it may be longer." She said.

"Fine, can we go?".I asked.

"Yeah, let me get your wheelchair."  She said and left and about a minute later she cane back with a black wheelchair.

"Can I decorate it?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's yours to keep, just in case anything happens." She said.

"Bye and thanks." I said while I wheeled my self out of the hospital.

"You ok Andy you look upset." I said.

"I'm fine, I'm just worried for you." he said.

"Don't worry I'm fine, I'm a fighter." I said, he chuckled and we went home, I was  in the wheelchair and Andy was walking. I was  kinda pissed off because I couldn't hold Andy's hand, I was  in a wheelchair. Shit! How am I supposed to tell the squad?

"What you thinking about?" Andy asked which made me snap out of my mind thoughts.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Ok then love, what you going to do when you get home?" He asked.

"I don't know, I was after every one left give you a treat, but that's on hold untill I'm able to walk, so BATMAN MORATHON!" I shouted.

"Fuck yes, I love you, and I want that treat now." He said with slight sadness in his eyes.

"I love you too, and it will have to wait babe." I said chuckling, he pouted like a child, we got home nd everyone was still there, for fuck sake, don't they have there own houses?

"Oh My Jinxx, Tasha are you ok?!" Tiegan screamed.

"I'm fine just no fucking sports for a month, that's going to kill me!" I said.

"Wait no C-Ch-" I cut her off

"Shut up!" I screamed. I don't want people to know.

"Sorry, I thought you told everyone."She said.

"I'll do it now." I sighed.

"do what now?" Jinxx asked.

"Yeah what?" Jake sounded curious.

"I'm a cheerleader." I said with my head down low.

"That so fucking cool!!!" I heard Jake and Jinxx say.

"What you don't think I'm a slut or a whore?" I said with confusion.

"What no I would never think of you as that. And i used to be a cheerleader." Jinxx said. (A/N I know it's not true, I just put it in)

"You were a c-cheerleader?" I said.

"Yeah. there's nothing to be ashamed of" He said. Andy, Ashley and Jake started to laugh.

"Guys stop being dicks, everyone has a secret that they never tell." I said.

"That's a point, let's sit in a circle and tell each other one thing no one knows/ knew about us." Tiegan pointed out.


Ok that actually happened to me, I couldn't walk for 2 weeks I wasn't put in a wheel chair, but yeah, that actually happened.

Hope you liked it sorry it was so short xxx

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