Try Outs- Shit! :/

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CC's P.O.V.

"Where you going?" I asked Tiegan, she had a phone call, and then she had to go. Fir fuck sake, I just wanted to hug her.

"Tasha and Andy's place for a while, Tasha has had one if her dreams and she needs her pill." She explained.

"Ok be quick." I said. She then left, I couldn't sleep anymore so I got out of bed and then made myself a cup of coffee. I then sat down on the sofa turned on the TV and I watched something about 'Cheerleading' and it said about back in England there was a girl called Tasha and she was the best cheerleader and everyone loved her, but she had to move away and before she  left they made a TV program about what she did at cheer and shit like that. I watched it, and it was all about Our Tasha well Andy's Tasha. She was  amazing at what she did. Why did she keep it a secret? If she didn't why didn't I find out? I watched  all of the episodes then mid way through the last one Tiegan came back.

"Heya what you doing?" She asked, she was obviously shocked I was out of bed.

"Oh I couldn't sleep, so I came down here and turned on the TV and started watching a program about Tasha doing cheerleading-" I got cut off by Tiegan.

"Yeah, she does cheerleading, she takes it very seriously, if you dis cheerleading you will get punched, it happened before." She said.

"Oh how long has she been doing it for?" I was really curious she was brilliant.

"Only fir about 2 years, that's not that ling compared to some people. but the thing is she only had practice on a Sunday, so she didn't have a lot of practice, but she  always tried new skills, she is probably the most determined person I know." She said, well explained.

"She is really good, why does she keep it a secret?" I asked.

"She gets scared what people think of her, but when she does tell people and they laugh she gets pissed so then she fights them, or she goes and listens to her music and creates more dances, she love  dance and shit like that." She said, wow she had so much determination, it's like no one actually knew her. I really want to know more about her.

"Why you asking?" She said, shit come up with a lie CC.

"Just wondering, cuzz this program is all about her Team Distinction and it was practically all about her." I said.

"Oh and don't say, Team in front of her say Squad she will get pissed, believe me, i said it once and she went all ninja on my ass and she broke my wrist." She said, wow she was obviously strong.

"Ok I'm going to bed." I said, I felt weird I don't know if I like Tiegan like that anymore, wait what the fuck am I saying, of course I love Tiegan.

--------------Tashas P.O.V.


"What?" He said tiredly.

"I'm scared for try outs today, what if they think I'm a stuck up whore?" I said, it's been said before.

"They won't believe me, and if they do then fuck em." He said it made me giggle. And then kissed me on the lips. I really should get used to this shouldn't I?  Then the door bell went.

"Fuck!" I said,

"I'll get it, Babe" He said. It was CC what was he doing here?

"Sup man? Why you here?" Andy asked. we were both thinking it.

"Oh I wanted to talk to Tasha alone please." CC said. Why did he want to talk to me?

"Ok no hitting on her tho" Andy said. If he did I would knee him in his balls.

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