Pizza and films?

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Tasha's P.O.V.

I woke up before Andy yet again, so instead of him waking me up with bacon I'm going to wake him up with cold fucking water. I went and got cold water, I was trying to be as quiet as I can, but my body being mine, I click every second. I got the cold water, then I legged it up stairs and quietly went back into our bedroom, i then slowly tipped the water on Andy untill he woke and then I splashed the rest on him and ran down the stairs and into the back garden hiding behind the swimming pool.

"Tasha what the fuck! Why did you do that?! And come here, I'm not angry." Andy said, he was actually laughing.

"Ok, but I did that becaue one I was bored and two because you said you would wake me up with bacon, but I woke up before I did this." I said still pissing myself laughing.

 I came to him he was in the living room and he was soaking wet, well his face was. It was a funny sight not joking.

"Ok, you want bacon your going to get bacon, but first I'm having a shower." Andy said.

"Okk, I am going to tidy the bed because t is going to soaking wet, but it is a nice day so I'm going to chuck the matress outside. Oh and today Jayy and Tiegan are coming round so we are having Pizza or something like that cuzz I can't be fucked to cook today." I said, because yeah cuzz I did. 

"Fuck I forgot about that, oh well there good friends they can deal with the mess." He shouted back.

"Yeah Tiegan won't mind, everytime we had a sleepover my room or her room would be a mess. Well mostly mine, she has OCD." I said. I decided to tidy up anyway, Andy had a shower and he took about 45 minuets. So I had 45 minuets to sort out our bed and get myslef ready, I wore my black skull bikini underneath my black highwasted shorts and my plain black best top. Andy wore his swim trunks because I told him I was going into the pool today and he said he would join me. 

We were in the pool just like cuddling if that is possible in a pool, but yeah. Before we got in Andy picked me up and threw me into the pool, he was lucky that I didn't panick, because most of the time when someone throws me into a pool I have a panick attack and nearly drown, but today I just laughed. We had been in the pool for about an hour now, but I wasn't complaining I was enjoying myself. Then the door bell went.

"Jayy and Tiegan are early if that's them." I said whilst getting out the pool.

"Hurry back babe. And I wonder if it is them." Andy said. I went to the door dripping wet. And I answered the door and it was Ashley.

"Umm Ash you ok?" I asked he looked slightly worried.

"Umm Yeah, is Andy here, I need to talk to him?" He asked.

"Yeah, come in do you want a drink?" I asked.

"No thanks, I won't be long." 

"Ok, I will be right back, I'll go get Andy."

"Thanks Tasha." He replied. I went and got Andy he wasn't really happy because he had to leave the pool I just called him a child and I told him if he didn't get out the pool we wouldn't have pizza today that made him move.

"What's wrong Ash?" Andy asked him.

"Well can I tell you alone please." Ash asked I nodded I went back into the simming pool.

Andy's P.O.V.

"What is wrong you seen worried." I asked he had his worried face on, and he only uses that when he is worried for someone.

"Well it's Jade, she has got super violent, and I'm worried for Tasha, and You, but Jade keeps saying she is going to beat the shit out of Tasha, but I know Tasha will fight her, but I don't want Tasha to get injured." Ash explained.

"Well we can ask if Tiegan and Jayy can stay for the whole week while Jade is here, so that Tasha is safe." I suggested.

"Umm yeah sure, well Ivgot to go, I left Jade with Jake, and I don't wan't Jake injured. I will call you if anything happens." Ash said.

"Alright I will see you Monday or whenever." I said then shut the door. At this point I didn't want to go back into the pool so I just sat in the kitchen.

"What's wrong Andy?" I heard Tasha say from behind me.

"Well Jade has gotten violent, and she keeps saying she is going to beat the shit out of you, so I am going to ask Jayy and Tiegan if they cn stay the whole week so that Jade doesn't hurt anyone especially you." I said. I stood up and hugged Tasha.

"You do relise that I can take care of myself, I have been in many fights and won them." She said.

"Yeah I know, but I don't want you to be in a fight." I said, she just nodded, we went to the living and Tasha ended up sleeping on my shoulder. She was so cute sleeping. I looked for my phone, but it was in the kitchen.

"Haha you can't find your phone, damn better luck next time." Tasha said. She had a really big smile on her face. "What time is it?" She asked.

"Well it is about four o'clock, and Jayy and Tiegan are coming at halfpast so lets sort our bed out quickly." I said, because we had our matress outside still. We sorted out our bed and then all of a sudden the door bell went. 

"I'll get it!" I heard Tasha shout. She was excited, she was so hyperactive and Funny.

"Sup Bitch?!" I heard Tiegan say, whilst laughing. 

"Heya Tasha, you ok?" I heard Jayy say. I came down the stairs and saw them all walking to the couch. Tasha still had her back to me so I told Jayy and Tiegan to not say anything then I jumped on her back luckily she was strong and she could carry me.

"Oi get off me." She shouted I jumped off and everyone was pissing them self laughing.

"Sorry just wanted to do that."I said. She fake laughed.

"Whatever, just stop being a dick, and order the fucking pizza! I'm hungry." She said.

"I heard pizza?" Tiegan said. Tasha just laughed, oh I did love her laugh.

"Yeah, we are having pizza for dinner cuzz Tasha can't be bothered to cook" I said.

"Ok epic!!" Tiegan shouted, Jesus she can shout.

"Tiegan calm it or I will have a head ache. And also you finished updating your story yet. I wanna read it." Tasha said, what is she on about a story.

"No not yet just wait." She replied.

"Ok, and let's watch some movies whilst we are waiting for pizza." Tasha suggested, I could tell she wasn't happy what was wrong, but what?

"Yeah, ok let's do that, and Tasha can I talk to you quickly." I asked.

"Umm sure, I'll be right back guys." Tasha said they just nodded.

"Yeah what's up hun?" She asked.

"What is wrong, your not your usual self today." I said, she looked down wards.

"Um I-I'm fine." She stuttered.

"No your not, I can go get Tiegan to get it out of you." I threatened.

"Fine, I'm really scared and I got a message today from someone and they said- 'If you hurt her I will hunt you down and I will kill you, so just leave her alone!'" She said.

"Ok, well don't be scared we will be here, and plus it was just a message." I said

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