Ohh Jayy

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Jayy's P.O.V.

I was really upset when Tasha said Tiegan had a boyfriend. She was a really cute, funny, amazing and I could go on and on. I don't know what to do. I need to make a move on her but she's with someone and I don't think she wants to be with me anyway because I think she thinks I'm gay but I'm bisexual. I think I'm falling for her... Argh fuck what am I going do! Damn you Tiegan for being so sexy! We went and got food and I sat next to Tiegan, obviously, and Tasha Sat opposite Tiegan and Dahvie Sat opposite me. I got my phone out and texted Dahvie. J- Can you bring up the topic of Tiegans boyfriend please??

D- Yeah sure, you like her don't you?

J- Urh yeah I do... a lot:/ she has a boyfriend:( help me please.

D- I'm on it dude=) *awkward turtle*

J- Haha Dahvie your such a douchebag !=)

D- The sexiest douchebag you know:3

I read the last text and chuckled to myself and put my phone away.

"Hey Tiegan, you got a boyfriend?" Dahvie asked in a sexual tone. I got mad at that and I felt myself tense up.

"Urh well yes, but I don't know how long it's gunna last because umm well him and one of his closest mates have fallen out and I tried to comfort him but he started to hit me instead..." She started to let tears fall from her eyes. I put my hand on her thigh and she looked at me and she just started to cry. I squeezed her thigh and she put her head on my shoulder, so I grabbed her and put her on my lap and let her cry into my neck. I didn't care if I got covered in tears.

"I'll find this douchebag and make him pay" I said and started to tense up again. I think Tiegan noticed because she kissed my neck and I calmed down. I hugged her tighter and I never wanted to let her go.

"Tiegan! What the fuck are you doing with Jayy?!" I heard an angry scream. I looked into Tiegans eyes and they were full of fear. The next thing I know she's being pulled out of the food court I stood up and almost tipped the table over. I didn't give to shits. I ran after Tiegan and she was pinned against a wall and having what looked like CC's tongue down her throat. I looked her in the eyes and her eyes were full of fear. I ran up CC and ripped him off her and just hugged her.


"Fine then! Be that way you little whore! Hide behind your gay New friend! Remember he's gay so he doesn't want you!" CC screamed back. Oh that's it now! I walked up to him and punched him square in the nose causing blood to go everywhere. That was a lot of blood.

"Fuck you" That was all I said and I walked back to Tiegan. She grabbed my collar and pulled me into a hug.

"Thank you, but you didn't have to do that" she said into my neck

"I did. I wanted to help you...I love you" I don't think she heard the last bit.

"Jayy... do you want to remember this day?" Tiegan asked me still with her head in my neck.

"Yes because I met you today" after I said that I could feel TIegan smiling and then she started to kiss my neck then she bite it pretty hard. Not hard enough for blood to come out. When she finished she leaned back.

"Now you have a mark to remember it" she said and started to walk back to the food court but I pulled her back by putting my hands around her waist. "Umm Jayy what are you doing?" Tiegan asked

"I have to do the same to you now" I said with a devilish smirk. He eyes winded

"Umm Jayy n-" I put my hand over her mouth

"Too late my unicorn!" I leaned down and bite her neck.

"Hehe" she laughed as I pulled away but she grabbed my collar and pulled me closer. I rested my forehead on hers.

"Tiegan, you had me bewitched ever since I first saw you. And I know everyone says I'm gay but I'm not I'm actually bisexual and I think I'm falling hard for you." by this time I had managed to intertwine our fingers together. "Tiegan, will you do me the pleasure of being mine?" She was already blushing

"Umm Jayy I don't know. I mean I just broke up with CC and you wouldn't want me if I told you all the shit I've been through. I'm damaged goods Jayy..."

"Believe it or not that makes me want you more so I can protect you forever and always" she just said nothing but just kept looking in my eyes. She leaned closer and kissed me. Damn she could kiss! My hands some how got into her back pockets and hers were on my chest. She pulled away after about 2 minutes.

"Jayy.. I will be yours on one condition!" conditions now? What?

"Umm okay then" I was pretty scared

"You give me a piggy back to the food court and I can sit on your lap for the rest of the day" oh ok then! Haha I could do that.

"Of course beautiful unicorn!" I yelled and put my hands on her waist and spun her around. She kissed me mid way.

"Lets go! I'm fucking hungry!" She yelled. A women about 25 years old came up to Tiegan.

"Oh my God! Shut up and get your emo boyfriend out of here! Your a weird ass bitch!"

"Hang on let me check my give a damn meter... 0 sorry! NOW GO AND BUY A CUP OF SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Tiegan replied.

"Haha your amazing beautiful!" She kissed my neck and I went back to the food court. I put her down and sat down then Tiegan jumped on my lap.

"Awww you guys together now?" Dahvie asked. I nodded and Tiegan buried her head in my neck. Bad idea....

"HOLY CRAP YOU HAVE A HICKY! DAMN YOU GUYS WORK FAST!" Tasha yelled out pretty loud.

"Tasha! Drink your cup of Shut the fuck up!" Tiegan said from my neck. I just hugged her. She looked up and kissed me. We ended up making out in the food court. We walked out I held TIegans hand.

"Tasha! Coke bottle now!" Tiegan randomly yelled to Tasha.

"Is that Elliot?!" Tasha said

" Yes now give me the coke bottle!"

"Okay okay! Here" Tasha said passing her a bottle. Tiegan pulled me over to this dude and just started to talk to him. Then she hit him in the balls with a coke bottle and he fell to the floor crying! Haha ! XD

"Oh come on Elliot! We all know you haven't got any!" She yelled and we walked off. We I think was the best day of my life! Tiegan just walking and froze.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked hugging her.

"I-I have to go back to CC'S I live there...." She said and started to cry into my shoulder.

"No you don't your moving in with me. Shhh stop crying I hate it when you cry"

"Are you sure I mean I don't want to annoy you" she asked

"You will annoy me if you have sex with Jayy every night!" Dahvie yelled. Tiegan went red and I just flipped off Dahvie and grabbed her hand and we got in the car and drove to.mine.

"I love you Jayy" Tiegan said falling asleep on my lap

"I love you too baby" I said and kissed her head and she fell asleep. I lied down with her and fell asleep with my arms wrapped around my beautiful girlfriend. I couldn't be more happier right now.

Hey guys! This wasn't Tasha writing the chapter it was believe it or not her friend Tiegan (*Cough* best friend *Cough*) We are having a snazzy sleepover and I decided to write one of her chapters and she wrote one of mine:3 if you wanna check out my book then follow me @TieganPounds and the name of my book is Wild Love and its a bvb story! Your all amazing unicorns! <3 xx ~ TieganVonHatesYou (instergram name)

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