My Fairy King

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it was time to move on I decided to give the family business a chance and see how it would go, a lot and I mean a lot of people have told me to keep the family name alive. And it made sense to me to do so learning from my uncles Brian and Roger and John. They took me in as one of there own.

June of 1992
That summer I decided to get into a little modeling, now with my than boyfriend at the time Keanu who was acting in the movie "Dracula" at the time, both of us turned 27 that year so it worked out really well. I kept myself busy with him by my side, I decided to take a chance with him knowing my dad approved and loved him i which I knew he was a great person too. I bought a home in Los Angles why? The thought of being closer to my dads home at Garden Lodge just made me depressed and knowing my dad wasn't in the house he built up and I wasn't there to enjoy it made me angry at Mary Austin kind of a touchy subject if you ask me.
As I began to get into modeling a lot of people wanted to work with me aside with an interview also, that meant binging up with my father and Keanu and my personal life I dealt with it because that was the price it came with life in the fast lane.

 As I began to get into modeling a lot of people wanted to work with me aside with an interview also, that meant binging up with my father and Keanu and my personal life I dealt with it because that was the price it came with life in the fast lane

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Vogue Magazine June 1992 issue

Vogue: hey Vanessa, this year has been nothing but luck for you, how are you taking all of this in?

Vanessa: slowly I'm taking it all in but  I feel like it's not luck, I feel like I'm just blessed, blessed in so many ways.

Vogue: what do you do to keep busy nowadays?

Vanessa: I'm always busy no matter what, I've learned to keep my mind off of things that bother me. When I was younger I would play on the piano I was never a bad kid because there was other beautiful things to do other than getting in trouble keeping busy is good you know?

Vogue: growing up you lived in the states but you moved how was that for you did you like it?

Vanessa: I loved it I got to meet my dad after so many years and I love my home state and I also love London I never got the whole wanting to stay in one spot because I can't stay in one spot also growing up my dad took me on tour so I'm used to it.

Vogue: so what kind of things did your dad the late and great Freddie Mercury taught you on tour as being one of the greatest showman and a father from that?

Vanessa: well as a performer he taught me a lot of giving and receiving from the audience the audience is your strive for it all, it's different when you try and get into the limelight by yourself and than it's much easier when you're born into the limelight, he told me to go for it, have fun and sometimes it's ok if the world turns their back on you, but never turn your back turn on the world. As a father he was always by my side, always and I never heard him once complain about me being around I was his company and he was mine, we stuck like glue. He called me his pride and joy a lot of times, and in ways He grew up and actually got the hang of not thinking of himself all the time til the very end.

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