Torture (Harry Potter)

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Btw, the pic above.

Where it says 'Voldemort'.


Anyways, lets get started!


Carolina was frozen in place, drowning out her girlfriend's words.

Clodagh was looking down as she rubbed her arm as they heard Hermione's screams.

Cata was pacing back and forth, trying to distract herself from the screams.

Harry never saw Team C this distraught.

Well, he should have expected it.

This was Malfoy Manor. friend's home.

And he didn't even know they were there.

He only knew that the Trio was.

They looked up as Peter Pettigrew opened the door.

"Let her go." Ron growled.

"Back off! You three, come on."

Team C looked at each other, confused.

If Draco didn't know they were there then what did they want with them?

Carolina reluctantly released herself off her girlfriend's grip, following the girls up the stairs.


Carolina immediately felt her hair get pulled and a dagger at her throat. She gasped, the tears of fear urging to fall. She gritted her teeth, relying on her stubbornness to fight the urge.

Her eyes darted to see that Bellatrix had grabbed Clodagh, causing her to gulp as the dagger was near her throat. Clodagh fought back the tears of fear, her lips trembling.

"Don't..." she barely says before the dagger was cut at her face, causing her to cry in pain, her hair turning completely black.

The Ravenclaw still didn't know who was holding her back but, she hated that person at the moment.

"...hurt my sisters." she finished, tears still streaming down.

She only heard Bellatrix cackling and Clodagh's scream as her eyes slowly became black...her sign of complete loss of hope or indescribable pain.


Her eyes went back to its color as she heard the familiar voice.

Draco found them....


Draco didn't want to believe that those were his three friends that Bellatrix, his father and a Death Eater had, threatening their lives with a dagger at their throats.

He gasped when he saw Bellatrix swiftly breaks Clodagh's leg, causing the Gryffindor to scream in pain, tears streaming down.


Bellatrix looked up to see Draco that had ran into the room.

Clodagh gasps, breathing heavily, a forced smile appearing in her face.

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