What Makes You Think I'll Forget You?

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Carolina gasped, widening her eyes.

Last she remembered was getting hit by a spell from a Death Eater.

She was so sure she had died.

"Raven...oh thank Merlin!"

Carolina turned her head, which felt so hard to do as her head felt really heavy.

It felt like those annoying mornings where you tried to move your body but you couldn't.

She saw Clodagh all bloodied and bruised.


"Shhh...calm down." she cooed, before waving over two other figures.

They revealed to be...

"Dragon...Kitten..." Carolina croaked.

"Oh my god, thank fuck you're alright." Cata sighed, kneeling down and holding her hand.

Draco kept a fair distance away, tears brimming his eyes.

Carolina, as always, knew why he was crying.

"Not...your...fault..." Carolina strained, closing her eyes tightly.

"Potter didn't think so..." he whispered, but not with hate.

It sounded as if he agreed with The Boy Who Lived.

"Harry...can....be...dense...some-" Carolina tried to say but Cata hushed her, rubbing her arms.

"You're going to make them worse," she muttered, looking at the veins that had turned black.

Those were because of reading Harry's mind 24/7 to make sure he was okay.

"W-Where...is....he?" she muttered, her black eyes looking at the three students in front of her.

They hesitated, looking down.

"H-He didn't-"

"He might've," Cata whispered, suddenly looking up to see Carolina trying to get up.

"Whoa! Carrie, get back down!" Clodagh whispered, as Carolina shakily got up.

"I-I need to-"

She almost fell, Cata catching her 18-year-old sister, pressing her lips together at how light she was.

"Sis, you really need to-"

"Does he know that I-I'm alive?"

The three tensed up.

"Your pulse was weakening when he came with Ron and Hermione." Clodagh tried to explain, but Carolina didn't want to hear it.

"I need to see h-him," Carolina begged, causing the girls to sigh.

"We're carrying you."


Harry was hugging Hermione, after explaining what he now knew.

Ron had tears silently streaming down as he looked at his best friend when he noticed movement from over Harry's shoulder.

He widened his eyes.

"Team C..."

Harry let go of Hermione, turning to see Clodagh and Cata carrying a very weak Carolina.

Weak but alive.

"Laeta..." he whispered, walking to her.

Carolina took a step towards him and practically fell into his arms.

"Harry..." she whispered, hugging him as tightly as possible.

She touched his skin and she saw into his mind.

The blackness in her veins spreaded until she stopped, causing her to look up at her boyfriend.

"Y-You can't..." she whimpered, her voice becoming fainter.

"I have to," he whispered, looking sadly at her eyes.

Tears welled up in her black orbs before she placed her lips on his, kissing him softly yet deeply.

He kissed back, stroking her pitch black hair out of her face.

They were on the ground now, as Harry didn't want to put a strain on Carolina's legs that were all black.

This was another reason why he had to do this.

He now knew that it was the Horcrux in him that was slowly killing Carolina every time she read his mind.

Once that Horcrux is destroyed...Carolina will be able to live normally again.

He could feel her pulse getting weaker and weaker by the minute.

He broke from her, looking at her eyes that were struggling to stay open.

She was so close to dying he knew he had to hurry.

"Don't forget me..." she whispered, as he gave her back to the girls.

He smiled painfully at her.

"What makes you think I'll forget you? You're 'The Girl Who Stole My Heart'."

She smiled, forcing herself to look at him as tears run down her cheeks.

The blackness had reached to her neck, causing Harry to give a quick peck to her lips, leaving as before she grabbed his hand.

He looked back, watching as she bit her bottom lip, her eyebrows furrowing in sadness as he walked away, the contact becoming lost.

"I love you Harry..."

(Angsty oneshot no one asked for? Coming right up! Stay tuned! Bye my lovelies!)

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