Monster (Harry Potter)

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Cata could hear sobbing in her sister's room.

She hesitated before knocking on the door full of posters from family traveling trips.


No reply.

She opens the door and sees her sister in a ball, her headphones on with music being heard slightly, her hand gripping a letter.

She walked up to her, taking the headphones off her.

'You're a monster but I want ya...'


"She never loved me."

Cata squared her jaw, grabbing the letter from her hand, her eyes skimming through it.

She growled, crumbling the letter into a ball, throwing it in the trash.

"Fuck Lovegood! You're too good for her!" she yelled, turning back to her sister.

Carolina turned to look at her and Cata froze, her anger at the Ravenclaw that broke her sister's heart grew.

Her eyes had a dull black color, dark bangs under her eyes, and her hair was completely black and her skin was extremely pale.

"No I'm not. She is."

Cata hated when she did this.

She hated how her sister belittled her personality, body, and uniqueness.


"Just go."

Cata sighs before leaving.

She had some writing to do.


Clodagh apparated to the Rojas household, walking towards the house when she suddenly heard whooshing behind her.

"You too Dragon?"

Draco chuckled, walking up to her.
"Raven's my best friend Lilac. Of course I'm coming to see her."

Clodagh smiles before looking towards the Slytherin.

"As she is mine. Let's go."


"That little Ravenclaw jerk."

Clodagh was furious when Cata explained the letter Luna Lovegood sent her sister.

"I'm talking to her."

"Clodagh wait!"
Clodagh ignored her and opened the door to be greeted by the back of her best friend.

"Hey Raven."

Carolina didn't reply.

"I don't get why you crying over your stupid ex. You deserve so much-"

Carolina turned to look at her and Clodagh froze, her mouth dropping open.

Tears welled up in her eyes as her eyes darted up and down, looking at her pale, frail body.

"She did this to you." She growled, the tears running down.

"No Clodagh, I did."

Her voice even sounded different.

Instead of that soft, clear, strong voice that she was so proud of, there was a hoarse, shaky, weak imitation of it.

Her hair looked untamed as well.

Clodagh couldn't bear to look at her anymore.

This wasn't her best friend that she loved to annoy and hang out with.

This was a mere, weak, frail, saddened version of her.

She turned and left.


"S-She's not herself. She's not the Raven- no. She's not the CAROLINA MERCEDES ROJAS that I know and love." Clodagh muttered, wrapping her arms around her chest.
Draco frowned.

"I'll talk to her. I've seen this side of her before. Maybe not as extreme like this time, but I know what to do."

Clodagh looked up to meet his eyes.

"Brace mean as this is going to sound, she's sickening to look at."


Draco walked up to his best friend, who looked at him, expecting to hear him say to get over her breakup with Luna.

He didn't say that.

Instead, he simply took the ear buds on her bed and plugged it into her phone.

He placed the right ear bud on his ear and the left on hers.

He pushed the 'play' button on the song and a sad melody started to play.

They both sat down on her bed and she laid her head on his shoulder, letting the tears run down her cheeks again.

'It's something about the cool way you understand...'

She choked out a sob, gripping onto the boy's hand, squeezing her eyes shut.

She then feels herself being wrapped in a hug by another being.

She turned to see Clodagh looking at her, giving a sad smile.

"I'm sorry."

Carolina said nothing but leaned in to the girl's hug as a brown cat jumped on her lap.

"Hey Kitten."

The animagus rested her head down as Carolina pets her softly, smiling at the comfort she FINALLY was given and wanted.

'If I'm lost, why do I feel found?'

(I was bored and I was listening to this song while writing it ok? Stay tuned! Bye my lovelies!)

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