Archer, E. Alexandra

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Emerson's POV:
I woke up that morning and saw Alex's jacket on the couch. I picked it up and examined it, a bracelet fell out of the pocket. I picked it up, it was a hospital bracelet. The date stamp was the day after she left Remington.

Archer, E. Alexandra
Sex: F Age: 18 DOB: 5-12-96
Date: 10-11-14

I heard footsteps from behind me on the stairs. I quickly tossed the jacket back into the couch, balling the bracelet up in my hand.
I turned around. It was Alex, no surprise there.
"Oh... it's you." I say
Alex yawned and frowned, scratching the back of her neck. As her sleeve went up you could see another hospital bracelet on her wrist.
"Emerson," she sighed "I'm not a bad person. I promise. I've changed."
"I'll believe it when I see it." I mumbled
Alex frowned "Suit yourself."
She walked into the kitchen and I followed. I sat at the breakfast bar and she looked into the fridge.
"What do you want for breakfast? Eggs? Waffles? Or do you still down an entire bottle of gin for breakfast?" She joked
I glared at her, she looked over her shoulder and saw my death glare.
"I was kidding..." she said apologetically
There was silence before Alex pulled out a carton of eggs.
"Well if you won't tell me which then I guess I'll just have to make both." Alex said as she began to gather ingredients.
I said nothing, I just watched.


Alex's POV:
Remington walked into the kitchen just as I finished cooking. I turned around as he walked in, sliding a plate in front of Emerson.
"Oh, hi Remi." I said as I licked syrup off my thumb
Remington smiled slightly as he stretched. He was only in a pair of sweatpants riding low on his hips, showing off his perfectly toned chest and hip bones.
I tried not to look, he's probably moved on from me. After all, it's been a year.
"Smells good." Remington said as he took a seat next to Emerson.
I slid a plate in front of him, before fixing my own. I hopped up into the counter behind me, my plate in hands.
"So where's Sebastian?" I ask
Remington shrugged.
"I think he's at Stephanie's." Emerson said as he picked at his plate with his fork.
I glared at Emerson. Remington could sense the tension but said nothing.
"It's not gonna bite you Emerson." I mumbled
Emerson dropped his fork and looked up at me "No but but how do I know it's not laced with something?"
As mad as I was, I tried to remain calm. I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes. Trying to compose myself.
I heard Remington kick Emerson under the counter.
"Fine, then don't eat it." I say calmly
"Whatever you say Heroin." Emerson mumbled
Remington kicked him harder this time.
"Ow! What!" Emerson exclaimed
Remington shot daggers at his rude brother.
"What is your problem?" Remington said hastily in anger
"My problem, is that your druggie ex girlfriend just shows up in the middle of the night a year after leaving you with no explanation! Do you even care Remington? How do we know she's not lying? How do we know she's not still using that shit?" Emerson looked ready to kill everyone.
Remington sat there, fists and jaw clenched. He looked ready to hit Emerson.
I slammed my plate down, making everyone jump.
I looked at the two, slightly pissed but at the same time. Oddly calm.
I jumped down from the counter and walked over to the bar in front of me.
I rolled up my sleeve just enough to show the hospital bracelet on my wrist.
"This is how you know I'm clean." I say
Remington and Emerson just stared at the bracelet, slightly confused.
I rolled my eyes, flipping the bracelet so that the numbers were visible.
Remington read them "0020711?"
"It's a patient number." I explain "Check the release date."
"This was yesterday." Remington said
I nodded pulling my sleeve down and leaning back against the counter. Crossing my arms.
I took a deep breath "I got out of rehab last night. I didn't have anywhere to go, so I came here. But if you really don't want me here than fine. I'll leave."
I uncrossed my arms and walked to the living room, grabbing my jacket and kicking on my boots. Emerson and Remington froze for a moment, just watching me. They both looked at each other and had a small whisper argument that ended in Remington gently smacking Emerson upside the head before they both stood up, walking over to me.
They stood in the doorway of the living room as I finished zipping on my boots. I stood up and threw my jacket on.
"Alex..." Remington said
I tried to walk past the brothers but Remington grabbed me by the upper arm.
"Alex." Remington said sternly
I scowled "You want me gone, I'm leaving."
"Who said we wanted you gone?" Remington said
I scoffed "Yeah well you're pretty shitting at making people feel welcome."
Remington looked to Emerson who was standing on the other side of me. They began to do that sibling communicate without any words voodoo. Remington tilted his head, widening his eyes. Emerson looked at me frowning, then shook his head at Remington. This repeated for about ten more seconds. I scoffed.
"Whatever. I'm out of here." I tried to break Remington's grasp on me but that's when Emerson rolled his eyes and grabbed my other arm.
They picked me up and gently tossed me onto the couch. Standing in front of me.
"Hey what the hell-?" I protest but Remington and Emerson just stood there, arms crossed over their chests. Their faces were serious.
"Alright. If you are gonna stay here then you are gonna tell us everything." Emerson said "Everything. And you are gonna answer every question we have. Got it?"

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