I couldn't save her...

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We all piled into the living room to watch a movie. I scrolled through Netflix while Emerson looked through DVDs on the floor. I heard giggling and looked to the kitchen where Sebastian and Alex where making- more like- throwing popcorn.
"You're cleaning that up Archer!" I called from the living room
I could practically hear her eyes roll. A few seconds later she and Sebastian came into the room with a huge bowl of popcorn and a case soda.
"Cinderella, do this, clean that!" Alex joked as she set the bowl on the coffee table.
I smirked and threw popcorn at her to which she pushed me gently. She took a seat next to me on the couch, swiftly putting her feet up on the coffee table and grabbing a fistful of popcorn.
Emerson looked up from his spot on the floor and cringed.
"Alex!" He whined "Where's the alcohol?"
Alex cocked an eyebrow "Do I look like your personal assistant? Get it yourself."
Emerson pouted as he sulked off to the kitchen.
"You know you are the worst most un-obedient slave I could ask for." Emerson said from the kitchen doorway
"You mean like a genie?" Sebastian laughed
"Exactly!" Emerson said "Everyone knows they're little shits."
Alex smirked, crossing her arms and nodding like a genie earning a laugh from us.


Once everyone was settled we started the movie. Alex and I sat on the couch with our feet up on the coffee table while Emerson and Sebastian sat in front of the coffee table on the floor.
"This movie sucks ass." Emerson complained as he busted out the hard liquor.
"Yeah... it kinda does..." Sebastian agreed
"See!" Emerson said as he passed off a bottle of gin to Sebastian
"Then don't watch it." I said getting sick of their complaining
"Fine." Emerson said as he got up "I've got better things to do anyway."
Alex scoffed "You have a life? Huh."
Emerson stuck his tongue out at her, she did the same.
"I'm gonna go FaceTime with Steph." Sebastian said
"Keep it clean! I don't wanna be up all night listening to your moaning!" Alex called as Sebastian walked out of the room "again."
Sebastian threw a pillow at Alex and she caught it and stuck her tongue out at him.
I laughed. We always had the same childlike humor, she could always make me laugh. Always. That's why I loved her so much...
I suddenly felt my heart beat rapidly quicken once I realized we were alone. I found myself looking down at Alex as she watched Sebastian walk off.
I swallowed hard.
Do I still have feelings for her?
No. I can't- but then again.
She left.
Does she feel this way too?
Ask her!
No! That's a terrible idea!

Alex laughed and snapped me from my daze.
"Asshat." She grinned as she hugged the pillow Sebastian threw at her, settling back down on the couch.
She looked up at me, I was still staring.
Smile- wait no- laugh-
I smirked at her and laid back down on the couch- well technically it was a love seat. Alex was so close to me. I'm mean so close we were practically touching.
I swallowed hard, trying to compose myself. Alex stared straight ahead at the TV, a blank expression on her face. I knew that look, she was very unimpressed. To be fair though she was always hard to please.
After about fifteen minutes Alex groaned.
"Wow. This movie really does suck."
I shrugged "Kinda..."
"Wanna watch something else?" I asked
Alex stretched and yawned.
"I mean sure, but I'm probably gonna fall asleep."
I looked at the time on the TV before opening Netflix.
"It's only ten." I chuckled
"So?" Alex said as she tucked her knees to her chest, hugging a pillow "Gotta make up for all those sleepless nights sometime."
I cocked an eyebrow.
"You snore." Alex smirked rolling her eyes
"I do not!" I argued playfully hitting her with a pillow
"Do too!" She hit me back, messing up my hair
"Ugh- Alex!" I groaned as I fixed my hair
She laughed and grabbed the remote. Putting on 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'.
I put my feet but up in the coffee table, still fixing my hair.
"Go figure." I laugh
"What?" Alex asked
"You always choose this movie." I smile
"You got a problem with it?" She scoffed
"No it's just... cute- and so predictable!" I caught myself
Did I just call her cute? Fuck
Alex scoffed "I'm not predictable..."
There was a moment of silence before I spoke.
"Yes you are..." I mumbled
Alex glared at me and I smirked.
"Yawning in 3...2..." and just like clockwork. Alex yawned
"That's not fair." Alex yawned
"Your nose twitches like I bunny when you get tired." I smiled as I bopped her on the nose
She scrunched up her face just like she use to every time I did that. It was adorable.
Alex pouted.


Twenty minutes into the movie and Alex sat with her head propped up on her elbow, her eyes shut but she wasn't asleep just yet.
I looked over to her and smiled.
She was too fucking adorable.
I chuckled and leaned over to her, moving a strand of her hair back and whispering in her ear.
"I also know that you can't fall asleep sitting up." I smirked
"Fuck you Remi." Alex mumbled groggy
I chuckled "Come here."
I tugged on her shoulder and she laid down on my lap.
What are you doing Remington? You have a girlfriend!
Alex closed her eyes immediately. She was so peaceful in that moment.
My heartbeat quickened and with a shaking hand, I dragged it through her soft Carmel brown hair.
That put her right out. It always did.
I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch, draping it over her sleeping frame.
She was so sweet
So innocent
And yet.
So damaged.
I leaned down and kissed her forehead, a single tear slipping down my face.
It that moment I realized something.
She was so broken when she was with me. There was nothing I could do to fix her. All I wanted to do was hold her close and take the pain away.
But I couldn't.
She would just push me away until she drifted so far out that I could keep her.
I couldn't save her.
She didn't need me.

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