Tears don't fall (They crash around me)

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It was late when me and Emerson Ubered to the crappy motel we were staying at. Sebastian texted us and let us know he wouldn't be picking us up. We finally got there around 4 in the morning. My eyes were red and puffy from crying and exhaustion. Emerson opened the door to our motel room and there was Alex to our surprise. She was passed out on one of the double beds in her McDonald's uniform and leather jacket. She looked worse than I did but was still as breath taking than ever to me. Sebastian was in the corner on a glider, smoking a cigarettes and reading a book. He looked up when he saw us and immediately brought a finger to his lips.
"You two chilliwankers better not wake her up." He mumbled in a low voice
I walked over to Alex's sleeping frame, gently brushing the hair out of her face.
"Remington!" Sebastian whisper yelled "What did I just say?"
"Ssh!" I whispered over my shoulder "you'll wake her!"
I could practically hear Sebastian's eye roll.
"I'm gonna get some air. Just don't wake her." Sebastian said
With that Sebastian left and Emerson went to shower.
I sat down on the bed across from Alex, I couldn't help but cry.
"I'm sorry Alex! Im so so sorry..." Tears crashed around me (BFMV fans in the comments)
"You mean the world to me Alex- nothing will ever change that. I promise I won't lose you again..."
I brushed a loose strand of her brown hair off her forehead, planting soft kisses to her temple.
I pulled up the covers and covered her, making sure she was safe and warm. I let the tears fall.

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