Something Stupid

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Stephanie handed me a mug of hot chocolate. It had been two weeks since I spoke to any of the boys. Stephanie sat down next to me on the couch.
"How you feeling?" She asked sipping her hot chocolate
I shrugged "Got her ashes back yesterday."
"You're not doing a sermon or anything?" Stephanie asked
"No, it's kinda pointless."
"Just is."
There was a moment of silence before the door opened and closed.
"Stephanie? Alex?" It was Sebastian
Stephanie sprang up from the couch and planted a kiss on Sebastian. He pulled away and looked at me.
"Glad to see you're looking better Alex." Sebastian smiled "How are you feeling?"
I shrugged "Better I guess, least I'm not throwing up every two seconds anymore."
"That's good to hear." Sebastian's frowned "You haven't spoken to Remington recently have you?"
"No?" I say crossing my arms and leaning against the door frame "Why?"
Sebastian sighed "We can't find him, I thought he might be here but I guess not."
That's when Sebastian's phone rang. He answered it.
"Emerson? What-? Are you fucking kidding me-? Yeah okay. I'm with Alex and Stephanie- we'll be there in two seconds." Sebastian hung up
"Was that Emerson? Did he find Remington?" Stephanie asked
"Yeah. Apparently he went to beat the tar out of Rickey but got his ass kicked instead- he's at the hospital now. Damnit that kid!" Sebastian said rather irritated
"Drive us?" Stephanie said grabbing her jacket
She tossed me mine.
"Lets go." Sebastian said

Do you guys like this story? Should I keep it up? 🤔 Comment!!

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