Alex, what have you done?

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It was late at night when the door opened and tumbling in was a very intoxicated Remington. I was sleeping on the couch, but Remington woke me up. I sat up on my elbows, squinting in the dark.
"Remington?" I whisper
A slurred shush was the only reply.
"Ssh... don't wake Alex!" Remington slurred
I kick the blankets off me, standing up and walking over to where Remington lay on the floor by the front door.
"Too late. I'm already up." I crossed my arms as I lean against the living room door frame.
"Oh damn." Remington giggled
He always was a giggley drunk.
I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smile.
"You drunk dork." I scoffed "What are you doing?"
Remington sat up and shrugged. Looking around in the darkness.
"I don't know!" Remington exclaimed
"Well where have you been?" I asked
Instead of replying, Remington shot up and darted to the bathroom. Puking his guts up. I ran after him and stood in the doorway as Remington empty the alcohol from his system into the toilet.
I kinda felt bad, but hell. The fucker deserved it.
I sighed as I looked in the bathroom cabinet, settling on some Tylenol. Remington leaned back against the wall, groaning. I sat next to him, tossing the bottle to him.
"What's this?" He asked almost childlike
"Tylenol. Trust me. You'll appreciate it in the morning." I mumbled
Remington played with the bottle for a moment before speaking.
"Alex?" Remington asked
"Mm." I mumbled as I laid my head back on the wall, closing my eyes.
I felt Remington grab as loose strand of hair that fell out of my messy bun.
"You're beautiful."
My eyes sprang open, I caught a glance of myself in the mirror.
I was not beautiful! Especially not now!
I cocked an eyebrow at Remington, who was starring at me in awe.
"Wow. You're farther gone then I thought." I say in surprise
Remington looked confused. I stood up.
"Alright. Stand up." I say
I helped Remington up, he stood next to the tub.
"Annnnd we're standing!" Remington giggled
"Not for long." I say
I quickly pushed Remington back into the tub and turned the shower on cold.
Cold water poured down on Remington, at first he was into it all in pony land or whatever. After about a minute he put up his hands and stopped giggling.
"That's enough! No more!"
I turned the water off and helped Remington out of the tub. He was cold and soaking wet now. He was still pretty far gone, but he was sobering up fast.
"Better?" I ask
Remington's lips were blue.
"No!" Remington pouted "Why did you do that?"
"Because you're a drunk fuck." I say as I threw a towel at Remington. Grabbing his hand I led him down the hall and into his messy bedroom. Remington stood shaking and wet in the middle of his room. I turn the light on and pull dry clothes out of Remington's dresser. Tossing them on the bed, I walked to the door.
"Get changed, and go to bed." I instructed
I was halfway out the door when I heard Remington.
"It's dark in here!" Remington whined
I look over my shoulder and see Remington with his shirt stuck halfway off.
I rolled my eyes and couldn't help but smirk. I sighed and shut the door before walking over to Remington, helping him take his shirt off.
"Peak a boo." I say as I pulled his shirt off
Remington smiled at me, bopping my nose.
"You're silly." He slurred
"I'm gonna turn into a bitch if you do that again." I say with a scrunched face.
Remington pouted "But it's so cute when your face gets all squished up."
"Yeah, okay Remi." I mumble as I help Remington into his dry shirt.
I tried not to look at his perfectly toned body but caught myself starring at his abs- in my defense I'm like 5'3".
"Eyes up here." Remington grinned down at me
I hit him in the arm.
"Ow." Remington giggled "What's the matter? Like what you see?"
I sighed walking over to the door, my hand in the knob but not yet opening it. I looked over my shoulder.
"Goodnight Remington." I say
I turn the knob and open the door about two inches before Remington slammed it shut. Startling me. I jumped and turned around.
"Jesus Remington!"
Remington was standing with his hands on either side of the door. He had my back pressed against the door. He was starring down at me. Smirking.
Without warning Remington crashed his lips onto mine.
It was comforting, it was home. It was just like it use to be, it was perfect. So perfect- but so soooo wrong.
I quickly pushed Remington off me, coming back to reality.
"Remington Kropp! What the hell! You have a girlfriend!" I almost screamed
I quickly turned around, throwing the door open.
Remington must of sobered up real quick after that for he called after me.
I flew down the stairs, and walked right out the door and down the pitch black street.
Alex, what have you done?

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