Plot Twist!

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“THERE!” Naruto shouts, chucking a kunai knife into a bush. I jump, even though I expected that, and stare at the kid.

“Naruto, you missed.” I shake my head, trying to hide my smile.

He looks up, blinking. “How’d you know?”

I wink.

“Naruto!” Sakura shrieks, jabbing a finger in the small boy’s direction. “What on earth do you think you’re doing?!”

“Those are kunai knives.” Kakashi scolds, glaring at me. “They’re dangerous.”

“Hey! Is someone hiding over there?” Naruto peers into the woods surrounding us. “No wait! There’re over there!” I step away from the kid, out of his throwing range.

“NO WAIT! OVER THERE!” Naruto throws another knife, the blade sinking into the thick tree trunk to the hilt.

“That’s it Naruto!” Sakura runs over and bonks him upside the head.

“What?! Why’d you do that? Someone really is following us and they were really over there!” Naruto holds his head.

“Yeah right!” Sakura shouts, hands resting on the flare of her hips. “Quit lying!”

Kakashi walks over to the tree and I follow him, wheedling my way through the undergrowth and brush to stand beside him. A small white rabbit quivers beneath the knife blade, paralyzed with fear. Naruto rushes over and picks up the animal.

“A rabbit! Ahh! I’m so sorry little bunny!” He rubs his cheek against the poor rabbit’s head.

“All this fuss over a rodent?” Tazuna scowls. Kakashi looks to me, frowning. I scan the trees, looking for a certain someone, and touch the silver haired man’s arm.

“Over there?” I point.

“GET DOWN!” Kakashi shouts.

Someone slams into me, knocking me back into the dirt. I gasp, breathing in gritty sand and dirt, and push against the bone crushing weight that holds me to the ground. “You’re so fat!” I croak, pain shuddering through my backside. Kakashi climbs off of me, looking to the thick sword that is now lodged deeply into a tall tree-the very one that tried to take our heads. I sit up, my head aching and ears ringing.

“God damn.” I groan, rubbing my temples. “Was that really necessary?”

Sakura runs over to help me up.

“Well well.” Kakashi states coldly. “If it isn’t Zabuza Momochi, rouge ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist.”

“MAH COW LOVE!” I squeal loudly, jumping up and down as I wave frantically. “It is so good to see you!!”

Everyone, except Kakashi, turns to look at me. Zabuza’s eyes widen and he turns fully towards me. “It can’t be.”

I press my palms to my lips and blow him a kiss before skipping up next to Kakashi’s side. Kakashi sends me a sideways look, stiff with anger. Naruto runs forward, ready to kick Cow Man’s booty, but Kakashi holds his hand out to stop him.

“Alex, stay back.” He says to me, eye trained on Zabuza’s shocked form.

“Pshh. I don’t think so.” I send him a strange look. “I wanna see you lift up your headband.”

Now he turns to me, glaring. “Stop being difficult.”

“Then get to it, pretty boy! Don’t make me wait all day.” I snap, flipping my wrist.

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