Death and Heartbreak:

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Half ignoring Naruto and Haku, I rack my brain for all the different jutsus I could use against Zabuza right now. The blade digs deeper into the skin of my neck, blistering pain searing up as it breaks the skin and draws blood. Somehow, I even manage to ignore that too.

Kakashi looks torn. His angry brown and red orbs flicker back and forth between the trapped kids and I, lips curled back behind his mask into a snarl.

“Moomoo.” I look up.

Zabuza quirks a brow and looks down. “Are you talking to me?”

“Well you’re the only one who even remotely looks like a cow, so I would assume so.” I say absently, “Anyways, what would you do if I killed Haku?”

“What kind of question is that?” Zabuza snaps in retaliation.

“It’s a question.” I say calmly. “So answer it.”

Zabuza glares down at me, the blade of the kunai knife pressing even deeper into my neck. When I don’t flinch, or react, the pressure lightens and Zabuza looks away, avoiding my gaze. “I’d kill you before you could.”


His eyes snap to my face-cold and almost anxious. “Why what?”

“Why would you kill for Haku?” I surpass the smile. I always knew they had a boymance going on, now Zabuza is just confirming it. “Why would you do anything for Haku?”

“Because he’s my partner.” The cow like man says after a few moments of silence.

I shake my head-ignoring the blade. “I don’t believe you.”

“Alex.” Kakashi says, gaining my attention. He flashes me a confused look, well more like a ‘What the hell are you getting at?’ look, and I give him a quick smile. Returning my attention to Zabuza, I realize that he’s staring off-deep in thought.

“Well?” I press.

“Shut up.” He says finally, eyes growing cold.

Sighing softly, I shake my head. “You know, I think you could make it out of here alive, Moomoo. You and Haku both. Just give up on the bridge builder.”

“I don’t have to give up on the bridge builder to make it out of here alive.” Zabuza growls lowly.

I ignore that. “And besides, what happened to you? I thought you didn’t take orders from anybody? I thought you were the big bad ninja assassin of the Hidden Village in the Mist? Now you’re acting like a goodie goodie two-shoes and doing whatever Gato says. Just for money?”

Zabuza glares down at me and the knife resumes its prodding of my neck. My mind concocts many other things to say, to distract him with, but I have finished carving a large cobra into my arm and my left hand is ready to do the motions.

“Art Jutsu: Cobra Style.”

He jumps back, eyes wide, and the kunai clatters noisily to the floor of the bridge. Before he can attack, a large black Cobra winds around him and squeezes tight. Zabuza grunts from the pain, forcing his eyes to stay open, and I flash him a wicked smile. The snake leans forward, dark red tongue lightly flitting along the cow man’s left ear, and bares its yard long milky white fangs.

“Damn it!” Naruto cries, teeth grinding together. “I can’t die here. I still have my dream to achieve.”

Everyone’s attention strays from the giant snake and turns towards the large ice death chamber.

“I also have a dream to achieve.” Haku says softly. “I have to protect an important person. I want to help him, work for him, and help make his dreams a reality. To do that, I have to be a ninja. I have to kill you. Please don’t hold any grudges. I will work for my dream and you will work for yours.”

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