Chapter 3

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( btw there's a lot of description...)

Lillian's P.O.V

*hours later*

The plane started to land, the wheels landing on the pavement like bike on a sidewalk. Since I was the only one awake of the girls, I stretched and got up. I pulled out my neon pink bag and Gabby's One Direction string bag. I moved to the cabinet next to ours and grabbed Kate's green/black backpack and Hazel's galaxy bag. "Kate? Hazel?" I whispered, shaking their arms. They both woke up, looking around. They both reluctantly grabbed their bags and stuffed other things back in their bags as I woke up Gabby.

Once they were all finished and wide awake, we followed the other passengers down the stairs. Australia's weather was just like we left: cold, grey, gloomy, and rainy. My kinda DAYYYY.

A security guard we meet smiled as we walked down the last fee steps. "I'm Paul, and I'm your security guard!"

"NICE TO MEET YOU!" Hazel yelled. I laughed and gave him a hug as Kate, Gabby, and Hazel did the same. He led us inside the terminal, making Kate happy because it's so warm.

"Should've brought a better jacket," I teased.

"Shut up," she mumbled.

I gave her a annoyed/shocked look and flipped my hair over my shoulder, waiting to see my matching neon pink luggage. "I'm kidding, Lil."

"I know!"

We laughed and got our luggage after Hazel and Gabby, walking out to the front. Fans were crowding around, barricaded by little metal fence thingies. "You girls have ten minutes to meet the fans," Paul said. "I'm going to take the luggage with Jeremy to the van and come get you girls."

"Thanks, Paul!" Gabby waved.

Kate walked to one side, Hazel walked ahead, Gabby walked another way, and I walked the other.


Jeremy stopped the van suddenly, causing a train reaction where all four of us jerked forward, but our seat belts stopped us. "Sorry! Here's your house!"

The four of us unclicked our seat belts and opened the car doors, revealing a giant house. I didn't notice the car going uphill, but it did. The house was on top of a hill that showed the ocean on the west side and the cite to the east. This house was huge.

It was white and about three or four stories high, and with the glare from the water, it made the windows look blue. On the roof there were railings so we can look on top of the ceiling without breaking a bone for something *cough* Hazel *cough.*

I trailed behind the girls up the stairs to the front door. It seems so surreal that we have a fudging mansion. Mansion.

The door was wide open, revealing a giant living room that had a wooden staircase off the side. Hazel's voice carried down so I followed her voice and saw five different rooms. Two were bathrooms while the other two were bedrooms. It may be a pretty house on the outside, but it needs a lot of work on the inside. The bathrooms were both a lime green and so was the hallway. It seemed as if they carpet was ripped out, leaving unfinished wood floor that didn't look promising. Hazel was in the nearest bedroom that was quite big and a ugly bright pink and green floor. I kept walking to see Kate in the room in front of me. She had food floors and a dark red color that was starting to peel off the walls. I looked over and Gabby was in the room next to Hazel's. It was fairly big with brown carpet and tan walls. Seriously, who lived here!? At least the windows look new.

"Oh, so I don't have a room?"

"Guess not." Gabby laughed.

I rolled my eyes and went down the stairs and into what seemed to be the kitchen. It looked brand frisking new! One wall was all black vanity with two, good sized ovens built in as well. It went about a third of the wall until it went to a counter with a endless white countertop that went along the other wall and into the counter that wrapped around so it was a rectangle.

I walked over to where a glass door was. Due to the fact it was raining, the windows had tiny droplets scattered all around, some occasionally streaming down.

There was a patio that was fairly big. To top it all off there was a crystal clear blue swimming pool with tiny flight of stairs on either side that lead to a tiny part of the patio on the other side. Where the patio ended, the ocean water was there with a tiny wooden dock. It was really cool; having straight access to the water without having to walk all the way home when you just have to swim to the patio! There was even a built in couch on one of the sides but the padding was pilled under the house so they won't get wet.

Gabby joined me after she got her bag in her room. "Still no room?"

"Not so far."

"What about that door?" She directed the statement to the door on the wall furthest away. She opened the door, revealing a pitch black room. A light switch was right next to the door inside, so I switched it on. There was about 20 or 10 feet of floor until a railing ended it, showing a bigger room underneath. "DIBS!" I yelled.

There was a built in ladder so I climbed down. There were no windows, but that's perfectly fine. Kate, Hazel, and Paul seemed to of heard my yell so they came stumbling in. They gawked at the room, "Lucky!" Hazel yelled. They all climbed down, looking around. There was a door that lead to a bathroom next to a hallway. Kate trailed down and stumbled upon a bigger room. There was yet another door that lead into a closet. "Damn girl!" Gabby said in a skater voice.

"No, just no."

"Well, I'll bring down your bag," Paul laughed.

"Okay, thank you!"

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