Chapter 11

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Beau's P.O.V

Kristine seemed really pissed. And I mean pissed.

"Uh, I'll just go," Lillian stuttered. She grabbed her poster that had fallen and scurried away. I tried to stop her but it was no use.

"Kris, look-"

"Just stop! I knew something about you changed whenever we hung out! You almost kissed her for God's sake!"

"I can't help who I like!"

"Promise me you'll never do that, again."

"I promise."

"Good. Now tell her."

My eyes met hers for the first time since earlier. I gulped, "What?"

"Tell her you two can't be friends. Or we're over."

Anger flushed through me; she can't control me and tell me what to do!

I smirked and made it look like I was going to tell Lillian. But I'm not.


Gabby's P.O.V

I started adventuring through the book store; I can be a picky reader. Unlike Lillian (who actually judges a book by its cover), I take my time in finding a good book, one I can sit down in the backyard without any disruption and hear the waved rock against the end of the patio.

When I settled down on buying a book, Lillian came rushing up to me with a poster in her hands.

"What happened to you?" I laughed. Her face was flushed and her breathing was heavy like she ran a mile or so.

"Beau and I almost kissed."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped, what!? Her face was covered by her hands. "Kris came before anything could happen."

Before I could say something, Beau made his way over. Kris was close by, her hands crossed over her head and a smirk plastered on her face. Beau's facial expression went from anger to sincere once he was Lillian, like she was crying.

He reached us and tore Lillian's hands away from her face and looked deep into her eyes before they flickered to her lips and back tot her face. Next thing you know, he started leaning in.



Kate's P.O.V

The boys, Hazel, and I were at the house for a little while before we got multi bored, so we decided to go back to the old Victorian like book store, despite their "hate" for page filled letters all in one binding, that new 'book smell' when you first open the book to the very first page.

Right when we got into the cool store, Kris stomped towards the door like a madman. I gripped on her arm, faulting her to stop. "What's wrong?"

"Beau and I are officially over."

What the hell?

I let go over her arm and she stomped outside into the beating sun. That's when it struck me - Beau had his lips firmly pressed against Lils. I have to admit, I didn't much like Kristina....

We all got out our phones and took numerous amounts of pictures. Gabby was standing near, her jaw open wide (as well as her eyes) and her face around her cheeks. She smiled a huge smile and started to jump up and down as if she saw her favorite singer (cough Harry Styles cough) had just gave her his number.


Hazel's P.O.V

I remember how when Kate, Gabby, Lillian, and me were younger (and the Janoskians weren't as famous), we could fantasize how our life or real case scenarios would play out if we dated/ something happened (like a kiss). And it seems to becoming true; Lillian always wanted her first kiss (with someone famous. ex: Beau) anywhere, but somewhere special.


Luke's P.O.V

I remember the first day Beau laid eyes on Lillian - in the coffee shop, her in a dress and him in a simple pair of sweats and a navy blue zip up hoodie. But Lillian in a dress seems to impossible to imagine.

Anyways, when we got home, he wouldn't shut up about her. Mum wandered who she was and wanted to meet her since she had a spark of interest in Beau. He actually started to compare her to Kris. Lillian seems more suitable - doesn't much care, loud, weird, fun to be around (all the girls are) - and Kris certainly didn't - did care about everything, doesn't much like to do anything with spicy foods or rip off eyeliner-.

Watching Beau kiss the girl he really likes, maybe even loves, made me get a sudden urge of kissing the girl I like.

Who's taken.


Kate Beasley.

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