Chapter 16

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Gabby's P.O.V

* One month later *

I woke up in my colorful room to the smell of pancakes. Pancakes. The last time I remember eating pancakes was when the Janoskians and Those Girls went out for breakfast.

* Flashback *

We walked to the nearest café, the sun beating hot as usual. My hair was finally a little bit above my shoulders, as James found it amusing and would play with it every now and then.

The nine of us sat down in the rounded booth, squeezing together so we could all fit. Kate and Hazel ended up having to sit on chairs since there were so many of us.

Jessica, the waitress, out down our 3 gigantic plates of pancakes for us to share and walk off, letting us be.

"Look at this!" Jai dangled a pancake and it swooshed from side and side.

"Watch this!" Lils threw a pancake at him and it landed on top of his hat. Holding in out laughter, Jai took it off and threw it back. He missed terribly and it went to the next booth behind her where it was empty.

He grabbed another one and threw it a my her, again, but this time it hit Beau. They continued to be at battle and soon we were all throwing pancakes. Kate was slightly annoyed at first but once she got hit, she was joining us as her annoyance dissolved.

Jessica came by a couple times to tell us to stop but no one else was here, so why not have a pancake war in the empty café?

Jai, James, and I were on a team as we fought against the other two teams; one consisting of Beau, Luke, and Kate and the other Daniel, Hazel, and Lillian.

Double J's (my new nickname for them) and I hid behind the tables as BLK (Beau, Luke & Kate) hid closer to the booths along the walls. DHL (Daniel, Hazel & Lils) hid by the front.

The workers were nowhere to be found and the chiefs were too busy laughing to hear us.

"Ready, set...... GO!" Jai yelled.

We popped up from behind the table/chairs and threw pancakes. BLK managed to sit in the booths and duck under the table as a shield. DHL everywhere they possibly could.

Pancakes were everywhere: on the floor, tables, booths, and somehow managed to throw pieces on top of the ceiling fan.

The boys payed for the pancakes and left a note, not paying attention to our protests and pestering for not letting us chip in. Morley Kate and I. Hazel would chip in but Lils just didn't care and sat down.

All of us ran outside and down the street before Jessica or the boss could call the cops or do anything. I wasn't very confident in the whole battle with pancakes but it turns in that the famous saying 'Life begins at the end of your comfort zone' was true.

* End of Flashback *

I opened my window after I changed be to a ' I <3 NY' tank with red shorts and Toms.

Kate was in the room we just finished decorating. It went from a nothing room to a room where it had everything; it was the biggest room in the house - besides Lils's -. It had a dog bed, and whatever a dog needs. The room was also stuffed with a couch and a desk for videos. Kate usually uses this room to edits videos/add things we forgot to add.

Our dog, Lilly, was a husky and Pomeranian mix ( A/N: search them up, they are so cute!!). She often stayed in one of our rooms, but since Lillian had a ladder Lilly can't get down.

those girls → janos, 5sos, 1d [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now