Chapter 5

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Gabby's P.O.V

My eyes fluttered open, just to be blinded by the bright sun. Ugh, we seriously need to get damn curtains.

I looked around, sitting up. Kate and Hazel were still soundlessly sleeping as of Lillian wasn't in the room. My legs carried me through the kitchen to the fridge, getting a Dr. Pepper to refresh me. The rain seemed to of stopped last night since the sun was shining slightly through a layer of clouds. From what I see, the patio was still damp from the rain, but at least drying up. Lillian came in, startling me. "Hi."

I jumped, like, 10 feet in the air. Okay, I'm really exaggerating. "You scared the hell outta me!"

"Sorry," She chuckled.

Lils grabbed a water from the fridge, looking out the window. "We should go get Starbucks. Who the hell knows when they're gonna wake up!"

I glanced at the clock, 6:12. "How long have you been up?"

"Since 5. I walked around the house and came across a huge room. We can use that for our videos?"

"Maybe. Since Kate does all that, we'll have to get her opinion."

"I know. So, Starbucks?"


We walked our separate ways to our rooms. I walked into my room, my purple baggage straight in the middle. Digging through my clothes, I pulled out my grey over sized sweatshirt with a huge bottle of Nutella covering most of it. I paired it with black jeans and some hidden wedges I got for my birthday from Lillian. My makeup bag was laying off to the side, so I grabbed that and went to a bathroom.

Once I got finished, I headed down to the kitchen. Right on time, Lillian came from her room. She had on a pink spaghetti strapped dress that had white flowers and black leaves. She paired it with a black blazer and some converse. I put my hand to her forehead, checking to see if she had a fever.

"What are you doing?"

"Seeing if you have a fever - you're wearing a dress for no godly occasion!"

"Oh shut up!"

I chuckled and threw away my soda. "Ready?"


The cool air blew slightly, causing a shiver to run through my spine. Reluctantly, I pulled down my sleeves so they were past my wrists. A old-fashioned Starbucks was coming into view. Not very many people were there, maybe 2 or 3.

Lillian held the door open for me, due to how much I was shivering. The warmth danced all around me, making me warmer. I stared at the menu for so long - I don't go to Starbucks very often. "Gabby! Order!" Lils whispered.

I looked down at the barista, "I'll like a grande hot chocolate please."

"And I would like a grande double chocolaty chip with white mocha."

She seems so fluent when it comes to coffee.......

"Okay, and your total is 9.45"

Lillian handed her a 10 and lead me off the side. Three boys came in. They look so familiar!

I nudged Lil's arm with my elbow, getting her attention. "Don't they look familiar?"

Her eyes traveled my gaze before widening, "That's three fifths of the Janoskians! Duh!"

"And you seem rather calm."

She shrugged. My order of hot chocolate was called, so I grabbed one of cardboard holders and slipped it over my coffee cup so it won't burn my hand. The coffee burned my throat when I took a sip, but it was so worth it. Lillian came to me with her frappe, "It's not even 7. Want to sit down?"


My stomach rumbled, rather loudly. Lillian laughed, "I'll go get some food."

While she was gone, one of the boys took a seat a few chairs down from me. Jai. Then James. For some reason, I started doubting why I even agreed to come. The clouds seemed to become a darker color, a couple rumbles of thunder clapped. I waited impatiently until Lillian came back with two slices of banana bread. "Sorry I was a tad later, I was talking to one of the guys."

I looked over and saw the only guy left that wasn't sitting down: Beau. I sent her a wink before tearing down into my banana bread. More thunder erupted, and right on queue, it started to down pour. "MOTHER FUDGE NUGGETS!" Lillian exclaimed loudly. "How are we going to get home?"

"We can drive you." We both looked up to see Jai. "We were just going to leave. I don't think Beau'll mind."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive! Hey, Beau? Would you mind dropping these two off at their house? They walked here."

When Beau saw that Jai was talking about me and Lils, he smiled. "Of course!" He came with a tray that had three cups of coffee. "Ready?"


Jai's P.O.V

The five is us got into the car, handed Daniel and Luke their coffee.

"We have guests!" I yelled.


"One's Lillian and the other is Gabby."

Luke got out of the car, meeting them both. He helped them get into the back of the van, sipping his coffee graciously. Beau started the engine and started driving where Gabby hold him to. I kept catching him glancing in the review mirror where Lillian and Daniel talked. Does he have a crussshhhh?

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