Chapter 9

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Hazel's P.O.V

I straightened out my grey long sleeved shirt that had Mickey Mouse on it and my dark denim shorts. I retied my red Vans and walked to where my red RayBans were. My matching red draw string bag with little white anchors was hung on one of the hangers, so I perched it on my shoulders and headed to where the girls were ready.

Kate was wearing dark skinny jeans, a white tank under a red/white jacket with black shoes. She topped it off with a Batman hat and matching earnings. "Paul dropped us off a car so Gabby's going to drive us there."


She grabbed her wallet, locking the door behind us both. I hopped in the red Range Rover next to Kate in the backseat, buckling myself in the seat. From what I saw, Gabby had on white jeans, a grey 'LA' sweater, white Toms topped off with a grey/white hat.

"Where meeting the boys at the mall," Lillian squealed. Hanging out with the boys really has helped us get more comfortable in Australia - they told us about all different stories they had here and what's really worth doing and what's not. Gabby put the car into reverse and drove out of the drive way before switching gears and driving down the road. A familiar building came into view - along with the similar black van of the boys.

Gabby parked the car next to theirs and unlocked the doors, getting out of the car. I did the same and stood next to Lillian. She had on dark denim skinny jeans, white tank under a white, grey, red, and black sweater cardigan, red converse, and threw her hair into a high pony tail with her bangs falling down her face. "I'm excited." I laughed.

"Me too!"

The black doors on the van in front of us opened and five boys filled out onto the parking lot. We exchanged 'hi's' and gave us hugs. It's funny how each of their hugs are different; Luke's were simple, Jai's were warm, Daniel's were soft, James's were shy, and Beau's were tightly. James and Beau led us to the front doors, opening the doors for us.

"I told Kristina that I'll meet her at Starbucks. Be right back." Beau walked off the Starbucks that was a couple stores down. Lillian looked pretty pissed - she liked Beau and Kristina, just not together. Just like Jai and Ariana. That reminds me...

"Jai? What's with you and Ariana? You two back together or something?"

He looked down at the ground sheepishly with red all over his cheeks. "Yeah. I think that the fandom are pissed about it."

"Well, I think that the fandom isn't pissed off about it; I think they're pissed that you didn't trust them enough to tell them. Being in the fandom myself, I don't like having to find out something like this by paparazzi." Lillian comforted. He relaxed, nodding his head.

Beau and Kristina came back hand-in-hand, laughing. Lillian shot me a annoyed glance, sighing. "What should we do first? I know we aren't here to shop anymore."

"No, but maybe you girls would like to join us for making another Awkward Shopping Situations. The fans really seemed to like it."

Kate, Gabby, Lillian, and I shot glances, smirking. "Duh."

"But I don't want to," Kristina whined.

"Maybe stop thinking about beauty and think about having fun," Lillian snapped.

They're so going to be at war.. "I'm in," She chirped.


Beau's P.O.V

"Okay, so lets go to a store and act like we work there," Kate suggested.

"Here - how about we all split up?'

"Sure! Beau, Gabby, Lillian, Daniel, and Jai on one team, Luke, Kris, James, Hazel, and Kate on the other. Maybe it can be a war to see who can get kicked out first!"

Luke handed Daniel his other camera he brought and made sure that it was working before Kris was about to whine about us two not being on the same team, but James dragged her to the front of the mall. "Lets go upstairs and then make our way down."

Gabby and Lillian walked ahead, pushing and shoving each other up the escalators.

We trailed behind, coming up with ideas as what to do.

"I got an idea!" Lillian jumped.

"What?" I laughed.

"We could go to the salon and do all different exercises." (A/N I know this was in the video but let's just imagine it didn't!)

Gabby, Daniel, and I walked in, making sure that was recording us. Girls were lined up against the wall, getting their nails and such painted. We jogged past the front desk and yelled at them to join along and how the exercise was needed. Jumping jacks, push ups, and sit ups all happened in about 15 seconds, drawing attention. I grabbed Lillian's wrist and dragged her out with Daniel trailing behind. The five of us all laughed before catching our breath. "What know?"

Gabby put the camera down and looked around. There was a blank canvas down about 20 feet. "I can go draw on that. The artist just left it there."


Gabby walked over before turning back around. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can! Do you want me tell people about our conversation when you forgot the 'e'?" Lillian threated.

Her eyes grew wide, "You promised you wouldn't speak of this in a public place!"

"But you just simply forgot the 'e'!"

Gabby came over and almost bit her. I pulled her into a tight hug so Gabby wasn't able to bite her. Gabby looked annoyed but walked over to the canvas and started drawing something.

"Thanks, Beau.... You can let go now."

But I don't want her to leave me grasp. I let go, looking down a the ground as my cheeks flushed pink.


Luke's P.O.V

Kate and I walked side by side as we followed the other three towards to the front of the store. She took off her jacket, revealing a white tank top. "I't hot in here!"

"Want to go put your jacket in car? So you wont have to carry it the while time?"


I smiled and told James we would be right back and opened the door for Kate.

When we reached the car, she unlocked the Range Rover and tossed it in the back seat before locking it again. I almost tripped, falling into Kate. My hangs instantly hit the car door before I was able to topple on her. Our faces were inches apart, both of us breathing deeply.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"It's fine," she breathed.

We stayed like this for a couple seconds until my phone went off.

I pulled back shyly and looked at my phone.

"We should get back before they get suspicious."

those girls → janos, 5sos, 1d [discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang