Chapter 30

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Quick A/N: there's a video too... i'm sorry i just had to go fetus. This is just a filler chapter :/ Love ya guys!

Luke's P.O.V

I woke up, rubbing my fingers over my eyes to wake me up some. My alarm clock went off, the usual radio station going off. Amnesia was on.....

I slammed it off, groaning that I didn't want to wake up. "Ash," I grumbled. "Wake up." When he didn't answer I propped up on my elbow, intently starring at the empty bed next to me for probably five minutes. I groaned and laid back down on my bed before there was a light knock. Lillian opened the door, giving me a bright smile.

"Michael wants to talk to you!" She smiled, leaving the door opened just a crack. I silently stood up and stumbled out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen, were a tired Kate was lazily sipping coffee. Since I'm not much of a coffee person, I grabbed a Mountain Dew from the kitchen. I took a sip and was suddenly awakened. "Where's Michael?"

"In my room," Kate yawned.

I walked down the hallway and into Kate's room, where Michael was pacing back and forth around the room.

"What's wrong?"

He stopped and looked at me before closing the door behind me like mad man. "I want to ask Kate out but I don't know how to!"

I laughed, shaking my head. "Just ask her out normally. It may seem dull, but some girls are classics."

"But I want it to be special!"

"Have the date be special."

He seemed to think before telling me a 'thanks' and started furiously typing on his laptop. Just as I walked out of the room, I ran into Gabby.

"I'm so sorry!" She gasped.

"No, it was my fault."

Her eyes meet mine before she looked at the ground with a blush creeping on her face and walked into the kitchen with me on her tail.

Kate seemed more wide awake, as her body movements were more accurate; she started cooking breakfast as Michael wrapped his arms around her waist.

"So, I was thinking, instead of making a video, we could make a Twitam?" Gabby asked. We all nodded our heads and tweeted that it was going to start in 10 minutes after we eat breakfast. Kate quickly finished breakfast and cleaned up the plates as my laptop buffered onto the web. Hazel took it and logged in, starting it instantly. There was already over 30,000 views and thousands upon thousands of comments. We all gathered around and started the twit-cam, answering questions on both twitter and the ones that we covering half of the laptop screen under the the video that reflected back on us.

After an hour of the twit-cam, it started the grow boring before Hazel almost jumped out of her seat. "Piercings! I've been wanting a piercing for a while so why not get it on twit-cam?" We all agreed and carried the laptop with us down stairs in the lobby and out the door, to the nearest piercing shop.

Lillian took the laptop from my hands and answered a couple questions before Hazel came back with a new lip piercing. Ash took the laptop out of her hands, leaving her to give him the death glare. "Yo bro! I was using that!"

"It's okay nutter butter, you'll get it back later." He patted her head with a cheesy smile. "Hazel wanted me to hold her hand as she got her piercing," he told into the camera. Gabby was sitting next to me, reading a magazine as my hand found hers. I silently blushed as her hand squeeze mine, and I squeezed back with the same amount of pressure.


"But why can't the fans watch me as I dye my hair, again?" Michael winded after we walked out of the piercing shop.

"Because I think it'll be wayyyy too much for the fans to handle," Hazel sighed. Yes, this was still on twitcam, with the recording of almost 5 hours.

"Whatever," he huffed. I rolled my eyes as Ash still held the laptop in his hands. "Well guys, we're gonna go." All of us said good-bye to the fans and signed off, Ashton closing my laptop. I knew it had to be charged after being used for almost 5 straight hours.

We all quickly walked back to the apartment where a little dog carrier was by the door with a name tag. The dog was unfamiliar to me, I was shocked it had 'Those Girls' signatured on a business card with a fan's letter and name tag. Since the dog was sleeping, I quietly set the cage down on the coffee table as Gabby read the letter out loud.

"......I knew how devastated you girls were when you had to put you're dog, Lilly, up for adopton, so... here ya go :) "

Gabby looked like she was mentally going to flip. "WE'VE GOT LILLY BACK!" She almost yelled. She looked adorable; the way her eyes lit up, how her smile grew wider....

Stop Luke! She's just a friend!

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