Chapter 22

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Lillian's P.O.V

I didn't look back when he called my name. The heat of the fires hit my skin and relaxed me. I was at the one a little bit away from the group, alone. I did'nt realize that tears were running down my face, nor was someone there. "Lillian?"

I jumped slightly. It was James. "Lillian, what's wrong?" The tears fell harder as he pulled me into a hug. James was the one I was closet to out of the guys besides Beau. I managed to stutter out 'Beau' and he let go, lookingme in the eyes. "Beau?" I nodded my head. James stood straighter and his eyes focused on something or someone behind me. I turned around to see Beau. My legs started walking away before I realized what I was doing.


Beau ran and stood in front of me so I couldn't get to the car. "Move."

"No. Please just listen."

"Actions speak louder then words."

"You're not going to pull that on me. Every girl does!" He was starting to raise his voice to the point he was yelling. Everyone stopped and looked at us as the music turned off.

"Well in this case words are temporally, actions are forever."

His face went from saddness to anger. "Why won't you let me explain?'

"Oh, maybe cause, oh I don't know, your mouth became quite trashy after her." I pointed to the blonde as everyone gasped. "Now let me leave."

"I'm not letting you leave."

"Oh so now I can't leave my party?"

He was silent. "Thought so. And thanks for the happy birthday."

I walked around him towards the car. I'll just have the boys drop off the girls later tonight.

Beau's P.O.V

She got into the car and dove off. I've never been so emotional in my life. "Beau?"

Christi. Why was I making out with her in the first place? "Get away from me."

"Beau! Please. Just listen to me. I've had the biggest crush on you and I thought that this would be a good time..."

"So my girlfriend can pretty much dump me?"


"Christi, you have no idea how much she means to me. I've been happier. And tonight was going to be the night where I wanted to ask her one very special question. But now she hates me."

"Beau, I'm so sorry."

Everyone else was shocked. It was clear; it was written all over their faces. "Beau, just give her a day. She'll be find. Trust me." Kate soothed.

"Okay. I'm going to go home."

I ignored their yells and drove home. Mum was out with some friends so I had the house to myself. Thank god.

I sat down on the chair and rubbed my face with my hands; why am I such a screw up sometimes? She is literally the best thing that ever happened to me. She showed that it's okay to be different and to not act your age. To be bold. Lillian gave meaning to "life begins at the end of your comfort zone." She prefers to stay home, eat ice cream, read, go to the movie theaters. What she does: goes out with her friends, cause mischief that results in getting kicked out, eating foreign foods, and walk around town while yelling and screaming. I pulled out the box I was saving for our date. I opened it and saw the familiar diamond ring that I've starred at maybe 15 thousand times. It may be soon, and we may be young and dum. Me at 19, she at 18. But I've never felt this way before. I know her parents had her sister when her mom was only young, so why can't we do the same but (in a way) still be fun and courageous. No children this early but show people that it doesn't matter how old you are for love.

Lillian, will you do the honors of being my one and only?

James P.O.V

Beau drove off in his car. "Do you guys want to go home?" I asked. Jai had to drive his car here too because their wasn't enough room for the five of us and Ronnie. "Sure. Girls, would you guys like to be dropped off?"

"Yeah. Can you help us put her gifts in the back?"

I got into the passengers seat with Ronnie in the drivers. The girls sat in the back with some of the gifts. Ronnie drove to their house as we dished on the event. "Why would he do that?"

"Most importantly, who was she?"

Ronnie took in a breath. "Christi is Kristina's step sister."


"Believe it. And here's the weirdest part: when Kristina dropped her off, she told her not to do anything stupid."

"Wait, so Kris knew the whole time she liked him?"


"Bitch." Gabby muttered. Ronnie pulled into the driveway as we all started to get out and carry gifts to the house. Lillian was passed out on the couch in her pjs. Hazel got a blanket and put it on top of her as the other three of us tip toed into the kitchen.

"You guys don't have to be quiet. She's a deep sleeper."

"Like this one time we thought she died! Me, Lils, and our friend Bree were spending the night as mine when this HUGE thunderstorm came by. It was hailing and every thing. But her? She was passed out." Kate laughed.


"She done it at mine too."

"Me three."

"Well, we should get going. Bye girls."

"Bye guys! And thanks for the ride."

"No problem. Especially if it's for any of you girls."

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