Chapter 14

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Beau's P.O.V

I woke up to a bright light shining on my eyes. The sun burned my eyes when I tried to open them. Australia's air this morning seemed to be fairly warm for being early morning. I looked over to see my brand-new gorgeous girlfriend to be sleeping right next to me. I kissed her temple before slowly getting up. I crept around her carefully so she wouldn't wake up.

Luke wasn't here, which surprised me. As I entered the kitchen, my brother had a rag under running water in the sink. He must had of noticed my presence before asking, "Can you help me?"

In answer, I grabbed a mop and started mopping the floor.


By 10 o'clock we had the kitchen spotless like yesterday before making real breakfast this time. Hazel and Gabby were still sleeping soundlessly up stairs while the other two were outside doing God knows what.

Once the food finished, I looked through the windowed wall to see the girls wide awake and folding the blankets. Luke and I placed the food onto four different plated before heading out onto the patio.

"We made food!"

"We can kinda tell - we have one huge clear wall dumbass!" Kate joked.

Kate swayed over, giving Luke a quick kiss before grabbing a plate of food. Lillian finished folding the blanket in her hands and gave me a kiss.

"Thank you!"

The four of us sat down on the couch and ate as the waved crashed.


Kate's P.O.V

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower." I got up off the couch and headed into the house. I put away Luke's and I's dishes away in the dishwasher. Lils came in after and did the same thing I did.

"So, you and Luke?" She teased.

"Ugh! It doesn't seem real! like, our dreams!" I laughed.

"I know! But reality gets in the way of imagination."

She smiled and walked to her room and down the ladder as I thought of the possible outcomes this war against reality with these boys will turn out.


Once I finished blow drying my hair, I grabbed a hair tie and it up into a high ponytail. I checked my outfit for today: a white bro tank with "You are on my wish list,' rainbow high wasted shorts, and converse. Since the girls and I moved down here only week ago, we're all trying to get used to the hot weather, despite the rain when we first arrived.

Lillian knocked on my door.

"Yeah?" I couldn't help but stifle a laugh; she had on white shorts with a yellow bro tank that said 'Meow' but the 'o' was a cat.

"Have you seen my Osiris? Oh, and lover boy wants you."

I rolled my eyes, "They should be in Gabby's room."


I walked down the stairs to see Luke on the couch.

"Hey, pretty girl."

He patted the seat next to him so I sat down. his arm wrapped around my shoulder into a tight embrace. "Beau and I planned on all nine of us going out tonight. No where fancy."

"Ok. What time?"

"Maybe like, 4ish."

"Okkkay. Oh, and I need your opinion."


"There's this one huge room here in the house that's empty still and I was wondering if it should be made into a camera studio type thing. Should I? I'll move all my equipment."

He pondered for a little while. "Well, depending on how huge the room is, then maybe not. Think of all the other things that room could be made for! It could be a activity room, or a guest bedroom even!"

"I like that idea! Thanks, Lukey!"

"No problem, Katie."

"HEY! Katie's my nickname for her!" Lillian's voice yelled.

"Sorry!" He yelled back.

Beau came in the room in what he wore yesterday. "Okay, Luke and I have to go. Mum wants us to be home to help her with something."

"What? You guys can't just leave now!"

Luke kissed my forehead, "Sorry, pretty girl. But we'll see you guys tonight, remember? It's not that long! 4-5 hours. I promise you'll last that long."

I huffed in annoyance, "Fine."

Beau, Lillian, Luke, and I all said goodbyes before Hazel and Gabby joined.

All four of us sat on the couch. Hazel had on a loose white tank with Ed Sheeran on it and some shorts topped off with her Vans. Gabby had the best tank on; it was grey with 'Smart, classy, & a bit smart assy' in white. She paired it with shorts that had patterns in different colors.


"We should go penny boarding!" Hazel exclaimed.

"Hazel, we left them back home!"

"I know, doesn't mean we can't go buy new ones! Plus, we need to teach Gabby how to skate."

"No thank you! I can't skate for $50!" Gabby laughed.

"Well, how about we go buy new boards and walk around. I think it's time we do something fun, just us four."

"Yes! C'mon, lets go!"

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