Chapter 26

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Hazel's P.O.V

*2 days later*

Our manager gave us the week off, meaning we can go tour around London or visit the boys more since they're here. Or both.

The weather was straight at 65 degrees out with a cloudy sky. Luke, Ashton, Michael, and Calum wanted to take us four down to the shops since we're going to be moving into flats soon. Turns out the us girls won't be going back to Australia and live in the house. Now it's stuck on London. Hopefully it will only be London.

Someone knocked on Lillian and Is' door. I opened the door to see Calum. Remember when the boys let us stay in their apartment? Tada, that's where we are. Lillian and I share a room, Gabby & Kate share, and the boys each share a room; so it's Ashton paired Calum, and Michael paired with Luke.

He gave me a smile and once he saw Lillian laying on her bed reading a magazine with her feet under her pillows, his smile grew wider. Awh, how adorable.

"Girls ready?"

"Yep! Be right there."

I closed the door, squealed, and jumped onto her bed. "Mr LoverBoy is waiting!" She simply rolled her eyes, slinging her purse over her shoulder. I put on my jacket, fluffed my hair, and meet everyone by the front door. Mikey had his arm slung over Kate's shoulders. !Couple Alert!

Luke gave me a dazzling smile. Ugh that lip ring kills me everyday. "Ready?"



Ashton was literally dragging us into some restaurant, Rasa W1 I think.

I sat down next to Ashton. For some reason his red bandana looks really familiar. Who knows I've seen a bunch of pictures with him wearing that bandana. I dropped my shopping bags onto the floor in between our chairs so they won't escape or run off.

"Indian food. Seriously, Ashton?" Gabby laughed.

"Yes! It's really good food."

And good food it was indeed.


Luke was itching to take us to Big Ben. Like literally he's jumping up and down with a 5-year-old's smile when he sees all the gifts under the Christmas tree.

"Let us take these bags to the car first!" I complained. I really don't want to have to carry all these bags any longer.

"Fine." He groaned.

Calum and Ashton put the bags away, locking the car. It's pretty stunning that barely anyone has recognized us. Mostly the boys. Maybe their beanies and black Ray Banns do pull off.

We waited at the stop light, the cars in front of us driving forward. "So, after seeing Big Ben, what should we do next?"

"Mhm. We only covered less then half of the shopping centers."

"Damn it." Michael muttered.

"What, you tired of shopping?" Gabby wavered.


"Please, Mikey?" Kate gave him the puppy dog eyes.


"Yay!" She cheered, putting her hand in his. Ashton gave them weird looks. As did I.

The light ahead turned green so we can start walking across the street. Lillian was squealing the by the time we were half way across the street. "Lillian! What I hell!?"

"Calum's tickling me!" Lillian squirmed, turning around to Calum. "I'm walking as far as possible from you!"

And sure enough she started power walking ahead. Calum smirked before running up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around. It was really cute. "CALUM PUT ME DOWN!" She shrieked.

All of a sudden a cold gust of wind blew. I knew I shouldn't have worn shorts. Dark clouds were moving in by the minute, cars drove to homes or to shops. "Let's go to the Big Ben tomorrow. To the car!" Mikey yelled.

Luke took my hand. Wtf, do I have butterflies?

Michael's P.O.V

Ashton unlocked the car, Kate, Gabby, and Calum literally diving into the back seat. "I'll drive!" Ashton tossed me the keys, hoping into the way back of the car with Luke. Lillian sat next to me, locking the doors.

"Well. That was intense."

"More intense then me lifting cheeseburgers?"

She started giggling, which lead to die-hard laughter, which then led me to laughing like a seal. Everyone gave us the most weirdest looks. Like we're mental or something.

"Okay, okay, let's get to the apartment!" Luke laughed.


I grabbed some random shopping bags, walking into the building with Kate. "Kate?" I asked. Kate gave me her full attention.

I smiled. She smiled back, but before I could say another word Lillian jumped onto her shoulder, pulling her away. Calum stood next to me, waiting for the others to come. They were doing something; I don't know. Just that hey were being slow ass snails.

"Calum, why don't you get your girlfriend away from Kate."


"AHA you didn't deny that she was your girlfriend!!" I cheered.

"Michael, she has a boyfriend. Who's name is Beau. And why?"

"I was about to ask Kate on a date."

His eyes widened and ran over to Lillian, wrapping his arms around her stomach and spinning her around. Perfect.

Kate did nothing, just took a picture of the adorable couple on her phone.

"So, Kate?"


"I was, uh, wondering if you would like to go on a date sometime? Before you guys have to go to Doncaster."

"I would love to."

At the same time I gave her a smile the others walked in. "Sorry, the car wouldn't lock-"

Hazel stopped, pointing to Calum and Lillian who were looking at the vending machine. His arms were still around her, but his chin was on her shoulder. Oh they are so caught.

Luke stood right behind them, getting out his phone, and taking a selfie with them in the background. He posted it onto twitter with the caption: 'Can these two get any cuter? @BrooksBeau ,I think someone's being stolen! @_lillian79 @Calum5sos 💕'

"Guys!?" Gabby groaned. The cute couple jumped and instantly separated, a blush creeping onto their faces.

This is going to be a fun week, alright.

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