Chapter 31

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A/N: there's a video too! Love ya guys :)

*couple days later*

Hazel's P.O.V

I fluffed up my hair that was perfectly curled. A couple day's ago after the twit-cam the guys, girls, and I did, we all received a invitation, inviting us to Teen Vogue's first ever masquerade ball. The following days was filled with us suddenly being flown to California and scurrying around for dresses so suddenly. Which led to where we are right now, all four of us girls sitting in chairs, in front a mirror with multiple light bulbs surrounding it so the face artists could do our makeup. This was new to us, but the best part was that the night of the twit-cam, Michael and Kate went out on a date, which now fans are still stunned at the new couple (yes, Michael grew a pair and asked her out). Everyone knew there was a spark between Gabby and Luke, so they're going together, Ashton and I are going together as friends, and Calum and Lillian are going.

After our makeup was finished, the four of us were rushed to our dressing rooms, which held our dresses.

So here I am now, in my long, heavy dress, staring at myself in the full length mirror that was in front of me. My hair dresser, Skylar, knocked on my door and came in, gasping when her eyes landed on me. "You look ravishing!" she gushed. I smiled, as she stood closer and admired. Skylar did one last check up on my hair and put about half of it up in a pony tail, so it was half up - half down. "The girls are waiting." I walked out after her, just as Kate, Lillian, and Gabby walked out of their dressing rooms. All of us gasped at each other were gushing about how amazing we looked.

Paul and Jeremy walked up. Gosh I've missed our security pals. Jake, out fashion inspector, looked like he was about to cry. "My girls look so beautiful tonight," he rambled, giving us each a light hug. He carefully put our masks over our faces, and gave us each a little kiss on our cheeks. "Does the weight feel weird?" he asked. It was weird - from the waist down the dresses just expanded and the corsets were tight. Of course it felt weird.


Sadly, the girls and I had to be split up into two cars due to the dresses. It kinda sucked.

As we got drew closer to the event center, the brighter the flashes were, the louder the yelling was from the paparazzi for the celebrities to look at them for the perfect picture. Nerves were an understatement; my stomach was worse then butterflies of nerves. Gabby and I did a quick last-check in the mirror before Paul and Jeremy opened our doors, helping us out. Multiple flashes were directed our way as we waited for Kate and Lillian. They walked to us, said goodbye to Paul and Jeremy, and walked onto the gold carpet that was waiting for us.


The girls and I each lifted our dresses up a little but like we see in the movies as we walked up the stairs. At the event center this was taking place at, it was decorated gold and was just beautiful in general. One by one we walked through the open doors, seeing multiple people smile at us as we walked closer to our table was our name tag on it. Surely, there were four gorgeous guys each in suits sitting there was masks, but it was to easy to tell who they were. "Michael!" Kate gasped, taken back by his now dyed pastel purple hair. He smiled and stood up, pulling her in for a kiss. Cliche. Ashton, Luke, and Calum were just taken back before they had the courage to stand up and give us each a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "You girls look amazing," Ashton smiles, his adorable dimples popping out like they usually do. "Why thank you," I blushed.

All eight of us sat down and drank the wine that was poured into our glasses every ten minutes. I think we had no choice but to drink wine because there was literally nothing else they were serving unless you had a good enough reason to have water. Luke was laughing before he abruptly stopped, his eyes never leaving whatever was behind me. "What?" I asked, turning around. There stood the one and only five familiar boys. The Janoskians.

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