Chapter 32

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*one month later, couple days later*

Luke's P.O.V

After a couple of dates with Gabby, I'm starting to think that I'm falling for her more and more each day. Also, since their first year on YouTube was just a couple days ago, we celebrated by having them meet the One Direction boys.

But anyways, back to Gabby.

I. Need. Her. To. Be. Mine. Now.

A voice pulled me out of my thoughts, "MICHAEL WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" A familiar Aussie accent yelled through the apartment. Calum.

I slowly walked out of my room, being greeted with boxes everywhere. Since the girls found a place to stay in the UK, they're moving out this Thursday, which is two days away. I don't want them to leave. Cause I mean, Gabby. Duh.

As I entered the living room, Michael's right hand was covered in what looked like shaving creme. And then there's Cal's face that was smothered in shaving creme. So Michael strikes again I see. I wasn't the only one in the room either; Gabby and Kate were laughing their asses off as Ashton recorded it, probably for a Keek. Lillian came walking out of her room, wearing sweats and a black shirt. "What's going on?" Her raspy yet painfully voice echoed through the room. She's been sick for a couple days and sadly she hasn't gotten better.

She soon caught on when she saw the shaving creme before laughing. "Ouch fuck," she coughed. Apparently she might have the flu but either way she hasn't walked out of her room lately. Calum's face softened up, sticking out his lower lip. "C'mon," Lillian chuckled, leading Cal into the kitchen to get the shaving creme off.

Michael wiped the rest of the shaving creme off his hand onto Kate's face, running around the room as she tried to catch him.

Since Ash was still recoding, he made little 'oohhhhs' and 'ahhhhs' at the lovely couple.

A/N: hey guys :)
i'm back? I dont know just yet. Since Gabby, Hazel, and Kate are all supposed to represent actual people (I go to school with) i don't know if i should continue this. I mean, i'm no longer friends with ANY of them so it's kinda pointless to keep writing a book using characters that are supposed to represent people i used to be so close to. It actually pains me :( butttt if you guys want me to continue, I will. Or i'll start writing other books? I have 'Ice Cream Parlor,' 'Places I never meant to go,' and 'Misfits.' I also have a couple books i'm currently writing that aren't posted (Cameron Dallas, Jack Gilinsky, etc.). So, should i keep writing? Sorry for the short chapter; the idea about this a/n randomly came to mind sooooo

tell me y'all opinions 💚
love you guys, so so so much

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