Chapter 18

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Lillian's P.O.V

My phone was ringing off the hook; I hastily grabbed it as the charger flew out of the plug in. "Hello?" I pressed the phone into my ear as my eyes were still closed.


"Kathy?" Great, what did our manager want this time?

"Today we set up multiple interviews for you girls. Jeremy will be by to pick you guys up at 10 for your first interview at 10:50."

She hung up without saying a goodbye..... rude.

I rubbed my eyes, slowly getting out of bed. Lilly was sleeping on my bed as I climbed up the ladder and up the staircase like a zombie. It's Saturday, there's no such thing as waking up early.

"GET UP!" I yelled. My throat stung; I knew I should've drank water before I even spoke.

"Why?" Hazel stumbled out of her room and into the hallway, her hair messy.


They all groaned before slowly getting ready.

Luke's P.O.V

While the girls were goring to interviews, my mind pondered; Kate's 18th birthday is coming up soon. What am I supposed to do? Dinner? A movie?

Mum walked in and sat down on the other side of the couch. "Whatcha thinking about?"

"What to do for Kate. Her 18th birthday is coming up pretty soon and while the girls are setting up, Gabby wants me to occupy her. What am I supposed to do?"

"Well, when I was 18, I wanted to go to parties with my friends, go on dates. Maybe go to the pool or something; it's on a Monday and everyone else is still in school or work. It shouldn't be too busy."

"Thanks, mum."

"No problem. You can also bring her back here, too."

"Will do," I smiled.

Mum grabbed her purse and perched her sunglasses ontop of her head. She grabbed her list of stuff to get at the store; Beau is still asleep, Jai's with friends, Daniel is being Daniel so who knows what the hell he's doing, and James is in Sydney. Fuck, I'm all alone.

I made my way to mine and Jai's shared bedroom. That's something I don't miss since we moved to LA - we all get our own rooms.

Kate's presents were under the bed as wrapping paper was next to them. Bows of multiple colors were the bag next to it, along with tape, scissors, and bags with tissue paper. I took me a while to get the presents wrapped. But it's for Kate, so it must be worth it.

Beau stumbled in my room, "Where's Jai?"

"He went out."


He stretched before realizing what I was just doing. "Wait, you wrap gift?" He laughed.

"It's for Kate!" I defend.

He laughed his way down the stairs and came back in a couple seconds with a bowl of cereal. "Maybe we should also go shopping for Lillian. Her birthday isn't too far away from Kate's."

"Or we could steal the girls for lunch?"

"We can do both."

Damn, I didn't want to do much walking. He caught on and rolled is eyes, walking away from me. For sure I know that now I will be doubting myself. Beau isn't the best gift picker but when it comes to a girl, he gets a A+. I on the other hand, never know what to give because I've never really, truly, have in love. What's the thing about love that makes people jelous or over protected? Ya, I may be sorta jelous whenever Kate hangs with another guy, and yes I may be a little overprotective, but that's what a guy is supposed to do. They make sure their girl is safe from who knows. A unfimilar feeling in my stomach erupts when I think about when Kate was hanging out with her friend, Karson I think? And when Jai tried to tackle her while playing football. But I was able to move so he tackled me. Or the time when she a guy was checking her out at the mall. The feeling in my stomach makes it's way to my heart as it shoots up my chest and into my brain. I'm in love with Kate.



My mind got out of it's daydream. "What?"

Beau chuckled, "She has you whipped, Luke."

"No she doesn't!"

"While you were too busy daydreaming, you kept saying 'Kate' fifteen times."

Heat flushed across my cheecks.


"It's fine. You're the not only one. So, whatcha doing to do for Kate while they're getting the party ready?"

"I might take her to the lake."

"Not bad, Luke. Maybe spice it up."

I gave him a weird look. "What?"

"Never mind."

We reached the radio station the girls were currently at for an interview. Paul lead us inside so no crazy ass fans could kill us to death.

"They should be done in 5."


After five minutes flew by, the four girls appeared. "Guys?"


We stood up from the couch and gave them a hug. I wrapped my arm around Kate's shoulders. "Luke and I were going to take you girls out to lunch."

"Awh thank you!"


"Mhm. Maybe we could go down town. It's not that far."

"Sounds good."

Paul drove us down town and parked in front of Fuddruckers. Once we got out a couple fans swarmed around, but not too much. The girls' fame was starting to kick off (not like it did before), but since the news about tour (yes, they told us. And made an announcement) was out to public, almost every show has been sold out already. I'm just scared that Kate will find someone better and go to him; she promised me that she will notice me incase something happens, but I just don't want her to leave me. We've only dated for 2 months or so now and it's great. We go onto dates, do cliche moments like the movies, and even just act normal around ourselves.

I was pulled out of my trance by Kate literally dragging me. "Luke? You were so in thought I had to order for you!"

"I'm sorry. I was thinking about you," I winked. Her checks blushed red as she shoved a plastic cup into my hand. "Get your drink and Lillian and I will go find a booth."

Sure enough Lillian and Kate walked off in search of a booth.

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