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Finn leaned against the wall, beer bottle in hand and listening to the music pumping through the house. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift into his own thoughts. He wasn't really in the mood for a party but he had come along to help out his friend Jack.

'Finnie', His eyes fluttered open to reveal Iris standing in front of him. She looked beautiful, his heart thumped slightly quicker at the sight of her. They used to date last year and they were quite serious and both each others first time. They decided to break it off but remain friends but Finn still had feelings for her. They both knew it.

'Come dance with me,' she purred.

He smirked, pushed himself off the wall and reached for her hand.

They danced for a while in the pumping music with the lights flashing. Finn loved watching her, she looked so happy and carefree. He realised he had ran out of beer and mouthed to her that he was going to get another drink to which she responded by smiling and nodding.

He stumbled into the kitchen slightly tipsy from the alcohol he had consumed. There was one other person in the kitchen who he merely noticed as he made his way to the fridge. He reached for a beer and then turned around shutting the fridge door.

His breathe hitched. She looked perfect.

He always knew she was beautiful since they were young, that didn't mean that he had feelings for her though. He just acknowledged her beauty. She also had always known he was good looking, perfect looking. That didn't mean she felt anything for him.

'Millie', he croaked.

She glanced upwards making eye contact with him.

'Hi Finn' she spoke softly keeping their gaze for a few seconds before returning to mixing vodka with soda in a cup.

'what are you doing here?' he sneered, coming off as too aggressive and immediately regretting it.

Millie looked taken aback, before simply uttering 'I came here with friends.'

'Not really your scene,' Finn smirked.

Millie glared at him coldly, wondering why he was being so rude.

'I like parties' she said, pushing some hair behind her ear. 

'Excuse me', she muttered as she turned to leave, drink in hand.

Then Romeo bustled into the kitchen, 'Mills' he exclaimed before wrapping his arms around her and picking her up. 

'put me down', she squirmed laughing.. then she noticed Finn ' Finn this is Romeo. Romeo, Finn'

Romeo nodded hi and Finn smiled awkwardly, they already knew each other. They had had a run in over Iris before. But Millie didn't need to know that.

'Great party Wolfhard' Romeo nodded before turning his attention back to Millie.

'It's not even mine' Finn whispered to himself before turning to retrieve another drink for Iris.

Romeo had millie backed against the wall of the kitchen, smiling down at her with his hand placed against her stomach. 

'Do you wanna go somewhere more private?' Romeo whispered, his face close to hers.

'Um, but the party is down here..' Millie smiled nervously. Although she was confident in pretty much everything she had never had much experience with boys. She had only ever kissed one boy and most other people in her year had already lost their virginity.

'I know,' Romeo said moving his hand from her stomach to her back pushing her closer to him. 'But it is so much more quiet upstairs'

Finn had now sensed how uncomfortable millie was and decided to get Romeo to back off.

'Hey Romeo, I saw your friend Lucas looking for you earlier. It seemed quite important'

Romeo groaned ' I better go see what he wants', he breathed down Millie's neck before finally moving away from her.

She nodded and let out a harsh breath as he left.

Finn stared at her.

'You okay?' he asked shyly.

'Fine' she replied bluntly before leaving to find the bathroom.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now