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Finn woke up to his phone vibrating on the table beside his bed. He reached over the sleeping girl, whom was wearing his t-shirt and resting her head against his bare chest. He sat up and glanced at the screen of his phone.

Iris calling. It read.

He answered it and spoke quietly careful not to wake Millie.

'Hello?' He whispered, his voice husky.

'Finn? Can you come meet me?'

'Jesus Iris, now?'

'Yes. It's important'

'Fine,' he replied flatly, he ended the call and lay still for a moment. He glanced over at Millie. Her hair was sprawled across her face and his oversized shirt hung loosely around her slim frame. Her bare legs were tucked underneath her. She was so beautiful and she was his. He hovered over her and kissed her cheek and then her forehead.

'I love you sweetheart.' He whispered before rolling out of bed to go and see Iris.

'Iris what do you need?' Finn said grumpily as he trudged through the muddy park with his hood up, sheltering him from the rain.

'Jeez.. hello to you too,'

Finn looked at her and waited for her to say what she needed to.

'Someone knows about our kiss...'

'What?' Finn said startled.

'They have photos.....'

Finn knew that this couldn't get back to Millie. If she saw those photos she'd be heartbroken....the kiss was quite steamy and it may look like more than it was.

'What? How did they take them?They haven't shown anyone yet? Right?' Finn panicked.

'No, no one but me,' Iris said, frowning.

'Make sure who ever this is doesn't show anyone but you. Do you understand?'

'Yeah.... I do.... but I mean, what does it matter isn't Millie still angry with you?'

Finn remained silent.

'Oh....you made up?' Iris asked, still confused.

'She came by last night. Yes.' Finn stated flatly. Why was Iris so interested in this?

'And? Where is she now?'

Finn shifted on his feet and kept his eyes on the muddy grass.

'You slept with her didn't you?'

Finn was shocked that Iris had guessed that solely based on his facial expressions.

'God Finn!'

'What?' Finn asked defensively.

'Well now she's emotionally attached to you......the whole 'losing your virginity thing' is a big thing to some people, and Millie strikes me as one of those people.'

'Well it's good that she's emotionally attached to me because I'm in love with her.' Finn snapped.

Iris looked sad for a moment, then smirked 'well she won't be in love with you for long if she sees those photos.'

'But you won't let that happen. Will you Iris?' Finn said menacingly.

'I wouldn't dream of it.' She smirked before strutting away from him, towards her car. 'See you soon,' she shouted over her shoulder.

Finn hurried home, wanting to get back to her as soon as possible. He didn't want her to wake up without him there. All sorts of questions would be asked, and she'd feel lonely.

He hurried through his front door and up the stairs to find the bed empty and made with his shirt folded on top of the bedspread.

'Shit,' he murmured. He knew she was gonna be pissed off.

'You looking for Millie?' Nick teased from behind. 'Yeah, she took off as soon as she woke up.... she looked quite embarrassed...... what exactly happened last night?'

'None of your business.' Finn snapped.

He then pushed past Nick and ran down the stairs, grabbing his jacket on the way out of the house.

'Where are you going?' Nick yelled after him.

'Out' Finn shouted before slamming the front door.

He arrived at Millie's house and took a deep breath before climbing his way onto her balcony. He tapped on her window and saw her jump slightly before scowling and coming over to open the window.

'You know we have a front door?' She said sassily.

'It's more fun this way,' he smirked as he jumped into her room.

There was an awkward pause before Finn broke it.

'Mil... I'm sorry about leaving you this morning. I know that was a dick move.'

'So why did you?'

'I had to meet- uh it was something important.'

'Well enlighten me on what that important thing was. Because I must admit waking up without you was mildly humiliating.' She said sarcastically.

'Come on Mill.... you know I would've stayed if I could have. I didn't want to leave you, but it was really important.'

'And you're not going to tell me what it was?' She raised her eyebrows.

'I can't Mill- I'm sorry.'

'Okay.' She said.

'Okay?' Finn asked, confused.

She walked up to him and hugged him around his middle. 'Yes. Okay, I believe it was important so I'm going to leave you alone about it.'

Finn felt guilt pang through his body. If she ever found out about Iris she wouldn't be so forgiving.

He turned her around and breathed into the back of her neck, causing her to stiffen with nerves.

'I had a really great night last night, sweetheart.' He whispered, his voice deep and raspy.

She felt butterflies flutter in her stomach as his hot breath continued to hit the nape of her neck.

'Me too,' she choked out. Finn chuckled and spun her around so he was facing her. He pulled her up by her middle so she was sitting on his lap.

He kissed her neck lightly and left a trail of little pecks over her jawbone and cheeks. She giggled at the tickling sensation. He pulled away from her and looked deep into her eyes.

'I love you.' He said.

Millie's heart jumped before she beamed at him.

'I love you too.'

Hey guys.

Hope you enjoyed.... more drama going down soon. I don't know whether to do a sequel to this book as it is nearly finished or to do a part 2 in the same book.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now