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It was almost summer, the year was drawing to a close and students were beginning to get excited. It had been weeks since Millie and Finn had that last conversation, the one that ended their relationship.
Millie hated to admit it but she missed him desperately. He had hurt her but she was still in love with him, she wanted him back. But she hadn't forgiven him. She had been spending much more time with Jacob and Lilia, stirring clear of Sadie and Maddie who were encouraging her to talk to Finn. Everyone in the entire year was going to Lilia's huge summer party. That meant Finn was going to be there, but she hoped to avoid him as successfully as she had been up till now.

Finn, on the other hand, was in crippling pain. He hid it in front of his friends. He began spending more time with various different girls, a different one every other day almost. He had stayed away from Iris. After all she was the one who leaked the photos, even though he knew deep down the truth would eventually come out, it hurt him to know that it came from a girl he once loved. She had tried to talk to him, but he had told her he wasn't ready. The only person he wanted to talk to him blatantly ignored him every time she saw him. Their eyes would connect for a fleeting second, just long enough to give Finn hope, and then she would break the eye contact. His heart shattered every time that it happened.

'Millie....earth to Millie..' Lilia waved her hand in front of Millie's face.


'I asked you what you were wearing..... to the party?'

'Oh yeah, probably that white dress I have.'

'Ooooohhh show of that suntan... am I right?'

Millie giggled. The short white dress made her look like an angel against her olive skin tone. She usually paired it with her converse and then multiple items of jewellery.

Finn across the hallway looked over at her giggling. It warmed his heart to see her happy, he just wished she was happy with him.

'So Finn you going?' Jack asked waiting for a response. He followed Finn's eyes across the hallway to the beautiful brunette who his best friend was in love with.

'You should come. She'll be there.'

Finn rolled his eyes, 'yeah- like she'll even acknowledge me.'

'It's worth a shot Finn. Come on, you have got to stop moping around. She might have calmed down. She still loves you.... she's just hurt- but everything heals with time.'

Finn looked at his best friend. For once he was actually talking some sense. He looked back at the girl, any shot at having her back he was willing to take.

Finn and Jack drove up to the party. It was a warm evening. Finn wore a short sleeve shirt and his jeans. Lilia's mansion looked amazing. There were soft fairy lights hanging around the whole building, but outside was where the party was taking place.

The backyard of Lilia's house was miles worth of forest and woodland, with a lake somewhere through the trees. Teenagers were walking amongst the trees and sitting on logs, the keg was in the centre of the forest. Finn looked around. He saw Wyatt with Talia, Jaeden with Lilia- that was odd. He saw Caleb, Gaten and Noah. Sadie and Maddie were gossiping about something- it looked intense. Many other faces he recognised were around the place. Iris was there, flirting with some random guy. He rolled his eyes and spun around to get a drink.

There she was. Beautiful. Her short white dress flowing around her thighs. Her back was pressed up against a tree and Jacob was leaning in close to her and talking to her. She laughed at something he said and pushed his chest flirtatiously. Finn felt anger and jealousy surge through him. He wanted to push Jacob off her. But he didn't. Instead he leaned towards a girl next to him.

She was one of the girls he had spent the night with over the past couple of weeks. He touched her waist lightly and whispered in her ear. The girl blushed and giggled. When he looked up he instantly saw Millie's hurt hazel eyes glaring at him.

She began to walk away towards the lake, clearly upset.

'Excuse me.' He murmured to the girl before following Millie.

Last chapter next!! I've been posting so much recently- after this I'm going to work more on Clique - please read it if you haven't already.

Love you guys !!

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now