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Millie found her way to the bathroom, past drunk and stumbling teenagers and exhaled loudly. Romeo made her nervous and she was uncomfortable in that situation, but that didn't mean she wanted Finn to make him leave. She liked Romeo, she was just afraid he wouldn't like her when he discovered how inexperienced she was.

The bathroom door was locked, so she sat down with her back against the wall and waited. 

5 minutes.

10 minutes.

15 minutes.

Millie began to grow concerned that someone had been in the bathroom for such a long time.

'Hello?' she knocked on the door and then attempted to open it. She soon came to realise that the door wasn't locked and that someone was blocking it. A body.

'Oh my God,' Millie muttered 'Shit, Shit, Shit'

She managed to get into the bathroom only to find Talia unconscious face down.

'Help!' she shouted as she picked up Talia's face and tried to open her eyes.

'Millie? what happened?' Jack Grazer asked breathless and he bustled into the bathroom. Wyatt soon followed, then Iris and Finn.

'She's overdosed,' Millie kept her head down, not making eye contact with any of them. ' I don't know what on, call an ambulance' she said, calmly.

Wyatt dialed 911 with shaking hands.

Millie was smart, she knew what to do if she was ever in this situation and she knew they had to try and wake Talia up.

'Run the shower' she said.

No one moved.

'I said run the shower' she snapped.

Jack lurched forward and turned it on, whilst Finn and Iris picked up Talia and placed her under the ice cold shower.

'What now?' jack asked, panic sprawled across his face.

' We have to make her vomit, it will hopefully wake her up and get some of whatever she took out of her system.'

So under the freezing cold shower Millie, Jack, Finn and Iris attempted to wake Talia up, whilst Wyatt watched in terror.

Suddenly Talia coughed and vomited, causing her eyes to flutter open. Wyatt rushed forward and grabbed her before she fell ' I got you,' he whispered ' What did you do? Why did you do that?' he muttered into her ear whilst holding on to her and sobbing. She was crying too.

Finally the ambulance arrived and Talia and Wyatt went to the hospital, Wyatt never letting go of her hand. Many people at the party hadn't even realised something had happened, so were shocked and gossiping when the ambulance arrived.

Jack, Iris and the rest of Finn's friends decided to go to the hospital.

Finn decided to stay back and get everyone out of the house, for Jack. Millie was in a state of shock and decided to down some vodka to calm her nerves. This made her head slightly fuzzy.

Gaten, Caleb and Noah were helping to clear up and Maddie was no where to be seen.

Suddenly Sadie stumbled in to the room.

'Mills, what happened?' she slurred, almost falling as Caleb surged forwards to keep her up.

Caleb had always had a thing for Sadie. He was very protective of her.

'Talia overdosed,' Caleb stated, 'but she's in hospital now, she'll be okay.'

Sadie nodded sadly.

' Thanks to Millie,' Jaeden piped in, ' if it wasn't for Millie, we wouldn't have known how to wake her up.'

Finn looked up at hearing this, and glanced at Millie. She could feel his gaze on her but continued to look down.

'Ok' Gaten said, ' This is as much as we can do for now, we're gonna take Sades home.' He gestured to the drunk girl giggling with Caleb.

'Thanks man,' Finn nodded as Gaten, Noah and Caleb holding Sadie up left the house.

'I'm gonna stay here,' Said Jaeden ' wait for them all to get back.' He then moved into the main room and turned the TV on.

Finn looked at Millie, 'need a lift?'

The alcohol Millie had consumed was now beginning to settle in and she began to feel very dizzy.

She scoffed, ' No thanks, i'll walk.' She turned almost tripping on her own foot.

Finn placed his hand on her waist to steady her. 'No you won't.'

She huffed as he guided her to his car.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now