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'Can I go to the bathroom please?' Millie asked as she interrupted her math teacher.

'Yes, but hurry.' Her teacher responded as Millie stood up from her desk and walked out of the classroom. Her clothes were disorganised and untidy. Her hair was tied in a loose bun, she was wearing messy makeup and her breath tasted of the multiple cigarettes she had smoked already this morning.

Finn, who was in her math class watched her walk out of the classroom with such exhaustion. He had smelt the cigarette smoke on her clothes and he was concerned. Something was not right with Millie. Yet she wasn't speaking to him, not since their last conversation. He breathed loudly and ran his fingers through his curls in frustration. He was so worried about her, it was killing him. He knew that he had hurt her but that didn't stop him from loving her and wanting to protect her, even though he still told himself he was bad for her. But right now, she couldn't get much worse. So he decided to swallow his pride and follow her outside the classroom.

Millie walked into the girls bathroom and pulled a small flask out of her bag. It was filled with cheap vodka, it helped her cope. She looked at herself in the mirror and bit her lip, trying hard not to cry. She breathed in and out, trying to calm herself. She then opened the flask and downed its contents, already beginning to feel a little fuzzy. She heard one of the bathroom cubicles unlock and out walked her ex-best friend Maddie.
'Millie?' She asked,
'Shit,' Millie muttered, trying to shove the flask back into her bag.

It was too late, Maddie saw it and grabbed it out of Millie's hand, 'vodka? Millie really? In school?'

Millie didn't respond, she just snatched the flask out of Maddie's hand and shoved it into her bag. 'Hey Millie, I'm serious. Talk to me. What is going on?'

'Nothing.' Millie murmured.

'We both know that's a lie. You can talk to me. All the smoking and drinking, we're worried. Okay? We still love you Mill.'

Millie almost felt the tears coming, she missed Sadie and Maddie a lot. But she contained herself and looked Maddie directly in the eyes with a stone cold glare.

'Nothing is going on. I'm fine.' She lies through her teeth, she then spun round and left the bathroom, leaving Maddie helpless.

Finn scanned the hallways, looking for Millie. He saw a brunette leaving the girls bathroom and he jogged after her.

'Maddie....Maddie.' He called following the girl.

She turned around and wiped the tears off her face. 'Oh hey Finn.' She said slowly.

'Hey....hey what's wrong?' He said, noticing her sad mood.

'I just saw Millie in the bathroom and.... I don't even know what to do. I'm so worried. There's something wrong, something really wrong with her and she won't talk to anyone about it.... not me.. not Sadie.... not Lilia, and -I'm-I'm scared....'

'Maddie. Calm down.... which way did she go?'

She pointed to the glass doors at the entrance of the school.

'Don't even try Finn, she's not gonna talk to you. She's not herself, it's like she's a whole different person with the drinking and the smoking. She seems like she's in a daze, like she's not really living. And... it's not even about you anymore, yes you hurt her but this.... this is different. Something else has happened, maybe her stepdad hurt her again or Jacob....'

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now