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Finn woke up with his arm wrapped tightly around Millie's waist, with his head nuzzled in the crook of her neck. Her dark hair was contrasted against his white pillow case, and her damp eyelashes clung to her cheeks. She was crying. Her body rattled slightly against his, with each suppressed sob her whole body shook.

'Hey, hey Millie. What's the matter?' He asked, sitting up suddenly and running his hand across her stomach soothingly.

'Nothing,' she whimpered, pushing herself further into Finn's chest. 'I'm just..... sad.'

'It's okay sweetheart.' Finn soothed, pulling himself above her lightly and wrapping his arms around her waist while she instinctively put hers around his neck.

He was so angry with Romeo and with Jacob, he felt his heart shattering every time he heard one of her helpless whimpers. She was so....broken. This was something she'd never recover from, and they just got to walk away unscathed? He didn't think so. Not on my watch.

They lay there wrapped up in each other for what seemed like a long time. Millie sobbing gently and Finn whispering soothing things into her neck. Eventually he untangled himself from her and got out of bed. He went around to the other side of the bed and knelt down so his face was at the same height as Millie's, as she lay down on the bed.

'Mill? Do you want to get up and shower?' He asked gently, as if she was so fragile that she would shatter if he spoke too loudly.

She shook her head no, and curled into herself. It was painful for Finn to watch, the girl he loved closing in on herself. There was nothing he could do to stop her. It was like she was in some manic depressive state, she didn't want to move or eat. It had been like this since she told Finn what happened two days ago. It was as if she had gotten everything off her chest and now she wanted to forget everything, that her whole facade had faded and now she was just consumed by sadness.

'Come on Millie.... you need to. It's been days.' He said blankly.

She just turned over and closed her long lashed eyelids. He decided that he needed to get her up if she was ever going to feel better. He grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up so she was standing.

'Finn....what the..' She grumbled tiredly.

He placed her on her feet and she quickly collapsed, luckily he was there to catch her.

'Woah.. Mil'

'I feel dizzy.' She said quietly.

'That's because you haven't eaten anything in days.' He said picking up a towel and guiding her into the bathroom. 'Now shower Millie!'
He ran the water for her and she reluctantly went in to the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

As soon as she was in the shower Finn slumped onto his bed. He sighed heavily and ran his fingers through his hair, desperately trying not to cry. He hated seeing her like this, as if she had nothing to live for. All she had done for the past few days was lie in bed. Finn feared it was depression, that her being raped had seriously affected her and that it was only becoming a reality now. Finn had missed school yesterday to stay home with Millie, it was Saturday now meaning he could be with her without missing school. Every time he thought of seeing Romeo or Jacob, everything went red and he swore he could kill someone. He hated them. He absolutely hated them. He wanted to kill them, and he worried that he would be able to.

He went downstairs to Nick, who was sitting on the couch, playing a video game.

'Hey little bro.' Nick smiled,

'Hey Nick,' Finn groaned, going to the fridge to get some juice.

'How is she?' Nick asked hesitantly, Finn had told him everything as he trusted him and needed advice on how to help her.

'I don't know Nick. She's like a zombie, she hasn't properly spoken to me since that night. She's shutting herself away from me, I can feel it.'

'I'm sorry Finn.' Nick said honestly, he saw the pain through Finn's furrowed eyebrows and exhausted expression.

'She doesn't eat or sleep. All she does is cry and lie in that same position. I want her to talk to me Nick.' And with that Finn broke down.

Nick crossed the room and embraced his little brother, who was now taller than him. Finn sobbed gently into him, finally allowing his frustrations out.

'It's gonna get better, okay?' Nick said, 'we're gonna find a way to help her. And those dicks aren't gonna win.'

Finn nodded and gave his brother another hug before going back upstairs to check on Millie. He found her sitting on the bed, her towel wrapped around her and her hair still dripping. Her phone was held loosely in her left hand and she looked straight ahead out the window, in a trance like state.


She didn't move. She stayed transfixed at that spot out the window. Finn walked to her and bent down in front of her peering deeply into her eyes. She seemed to jump out of her state, appearing to only just notice Finn. She cracked a small smile, which quickly disappeared.

'Jacob texted.' She said, her voice fragile.


'He said he wanted to meet me.'

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2018 ⏰

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