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Finn drove along the road in silence. Millie had fallen asleep in the passenger seat due to the drug Romeo had given her affecting her system. She had been complaining about how unwell she had felt. Finn was concerned.

When I see Romeo, I'm going to fucking kill him. He vowed this to himself as he glanced over at Millie, whom was unconscious and vulnerable.

All Romeo's fault

Finn drove back to his house. His parents weren't home, only his older brother Nick. He needed to bring Millie back to his to prevent her Mom and stepdad from getting worried.

As he pulled into his driveway Millie's eyes fluttered open.

'Where are we Finn?'

'Hey Mills, we're at mine, okay?'

She nodded before frowning, 'I don't feel well.'

'I know you don't, but we're gonna get you to bed now,' he said softly.

She smiled and held her arms up, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the door.

As he stumbled through the door with a nearly unconscious Millie, he ran into Nick.

'What the hell happened?' Nick asked

'Some dick spiked her drink.'

'Shit,' Nick breathed.

Finn ambled up the stairs careful not to hurt her and placed her gently on his bed.

'Hang on mills, I'm gonna get you some clothes.'

He looked around his wardrobe for anything Millie could wear. He came across an old t-shirt and some old small trackies. He then made his way back across to Millie, who was slowly falling asleep.

'Millie.... come on let's get you changed. You'll be more comfortable.'

She flopped her body forward and he grabbed her waist to hoist her up into a standing position.

He realised he was going to have to undress her.... she was too out of it to do it herself. Shyly he pulled her top over her head revealing her black lace bra. He blushed slightly, pulled his old t-shirt over her head and tried not to look at her.

She had now fallen asleep completely in his arms. So, after taking off her shoes, he slid her under the bedspread. She curled up instinctively and began to breathe more heavily, indicating that she was deeply sleeping.

He kissed her forehead lightly, and heard a snicker from behind him.

'Is Finn going soft on me?' Nick teased,

Finn scoffed 'you watched me undress her? You fucking pervert.'

'Like you wouldn't do the same.'

Finn rolled his eyes, he was filled with anger. It annoyed him sometimes how Nick would treat people.

'But seriously Finn, is she okay?'

'She should be, I think. She just needs to rest.'

Nick stared at Finn 'you really like her huh?'

Finn smiled 'yeah. Yeah I do.'

There was a moment of relaxed silence before Nick announced that he was going to bed.

Finn walked over to his bed and lay above the sheets on it. He examined Millie; her closed eyes, her button nose, her flushed cheeks and the way her fluffy brown hair curled upwards at her ears.

He found his mind drifting to Iris. He really had loved Iris. They had been each other's first time and each other's first love. That was unforgettable. She was stunning and perfect and kind; she made him feel warm inside. It was a sweet love, a perfect first love.

But Millie.

The passionate feeling he got when he thought of her was stronger than anything. He felt the urge to protect her from anything. To give her anything she needed. To care for her and love her for the rest of his life.

He loved her.

Short chapter but cute!! Thank you guys for all the reads (700) I love you guys x keep commenting and voting !!

Through the Glass: FillieWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt