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Millie heard a crunch of leaves and turned to see Finn Wolfhard gazing at her with his large chocolate eyes. She instantly got up from the log she was sitting on and tried to walk away, Finn lunged forward and placed his hands on her shoulders pushing her back to a sitting position.

'Hey, hey, hey don't run away from me,' he said as he sat her back down.

She wiped her tears lightly, it was obvious she had been crying.

'I'm sorry about that back there with the girl, that was immature. I just.... I got... jealous- of how you were talking to Jacob. It was stupid of me- I shouldn't have.' Finn said stuttering.

She looked at him, 'it's okay.' She said softly.

A silence followed. They listened to the sounds of drunk teenagers stumbling through the woods, the sun was setting and it was beginning to get dark. The woodland was filled with a soft amber glow, like embers on a fire. It illuminated Millie's face and Finn admired this.
The silence dragged on a little longer before Millie cleared her throat to speak.

'Finn... I get it- you were hurt that I hadn't said I loved you back to you, and you hooked up with Iris. I was upset by it and I still kinda am, but..... I can move past it. As long as it was just you acting out in pain, that it won't happen again.... I don't want to break up with you.'

Finn processed what Millie was saying, he looked at her. Her hazel orbs glowing like crystals in the setting sun, gorgeous. The girl he loved was saying she had forgiven him and that she wanted to get back together with him. This was what he had wanted. He took a deep breath and chose his next words carefully.

'Maybe..... I want to break up with you.' He said shyly and slowly, not daring to make eye contact with her.

Her eyes widened in shock, she thought he wanted this.

He spoke up again, finally looking at her with a pained expression, ' I mean.... I'm not good for you. There is so much shit which has happened to you because of me. I can't keep hurting you like this.'

'What?' She said, her eyes beginning to fill with tears, 'Finn that makes no sense. There is so much shit that would have happened to me if it wasn't for you. Romeo would've raped me and.... and.. i-if you hadn't been there when my car got hit ... and if you hadn't driven me home from the party.' She said beginning to stutter from the panic she felt welling up inside of her. She didn't want to lose him, not like this.

'Millie that car crash was because you were upset with me..... and it wasn't me who stopped Romeo- it was Wyatt and Jack....'

'-yeah because you asked them to,'

'But he still hurt you Mill- and I couldn't prevent that. And I left you alone after your dad died..... and I told no one when your stepdad started hurting you again- stop making  me seem heroic Millie. I'm not okay? I'm bad for you-'

'Finn you're making no sense.'

'I cheated on you Millie!' Finn yelled, his eyes wide with anger, love and pain.


'And who is there to say I wouldn't do it again-'
Finn needed her and he wanted her. But he was so shaken by what had happened with the accident and his love for her was too strong. He was arguing with her because of how much he loved her. His delusional mind thought the only way to protect her was to sacrifice their relationship.

'Finn- but you..... I don't understand.' She looked at her hands, trying to stop herself from having a panic attack.

The silence dragged on. The sun had now set and they were beginning to get consumed by the darkness. Millie's tears fell at a slow, steady rate. Finn stopped himself from looking at her, he was afraid his heart would break. He loved her so much, but he believed it was best to let her go.

Eventually Millie spoke up, she sniffled and wiped her nose.

'So that's it then.... it's just 'have a nice summer and I'll see you back at school?' She asked, still not looking at him.

There was so much he wanted to say. That he loved her and he regretted everything her said, that he would never let anything hurt her, that the feelings he felt for her were so extreme, that he would die for her and kill for her. He felt physical pain jolt through his body and his heart ached when he thought about how much he loved her. Yet he didn't say any of this, instead he didn't make eye contact, he looked straight ahead at the woodlands, until he did speak.

'Yeah.... yeah I guess so.'

So after a short pause Millie stood up and she walked away.

Hey Guys!!!!

This was the last chapter of this book. I wanted to leave it with a sad ending. I was originally going to make a part 2 but I'm not sure. Let me know what you want, it's up to you guys. Hope you guys enjoyed this book and be sure to check out Clique. I will soon be starting a new book as well. (If I do write a sequel to this book, it will have slow updates) please let me know if you want more of this story. Hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Lots of love xxx

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now