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Millie walked up to the punch bowl. It was filled with liquors of all sorts mixed with fruity drinks. It tasted disgusting but ensured that anyone could get extremely drunk, which of course Millie was.
She had just gotten in an enormous argument with her boyfriend of this summer, Jacob. He was angry that she had been talking to some random boy, even though Millie had clarified that they were just talking. Jacob was like that, he was possessive and jealous, he always needed to know everything she was doing. To say Millie was drunk was an understatement, she was almost paralytically drunk. She was stumbling all around the kitchen, greeting everyone she saw.
It was Lilia's 'end of summer' party, just like her previous 'beginning of summer party'. She should have been looking after Millie in this state, but instead she was chatting up some boy across the room.
Jacob saw Millie reaching her hand into the punch bowl, attempting to retrieve another drink. She had had enough. He stormed up to her and tried to take the drink away from her.

'Millie, you have had enough. Come on, stop now.' He said firmly.

'No! Screw you Jacob.' She slurred, her eyes dreary, 'I'll drink whatever I want.'

She then turned away from him, almost falling. He grabbed her waist to steady her.

'Don't fucking touch me!' She yelled, trying to swat his hand away from her. Her straight,brown hair tumbled over her shoulders as she turned, the hair that made her look older and more dangerous. She has changed over the summer, she had lost her naïvety. She drank more, smoked more and occasionally did some drugs. It was not Millie, not her at all.

Jacob was now used to these drunken arguments as they happened often. He didn't know why she felt the need to act out like this. Little did he know she was hurting. There was an ache inside of her, an emptiness. There was only one thing that could fill that feeling. Him. But that was out of the question, he wasn't around anymore.

'You know what fine.' Jacob shouted, 'find your own way home Millie.' With that he walked away, leaving his drunk girlfriend swaying in the kitchen.

Millie just poured herself some more punch and downed it. She continued to drink until she felt numb. She was no longer aware of the surroundings around her. She felt strong arms guiding her away from the murmurs of the party.

Jacob must have decided to take her home. His arms were placed strongly and firmly around her waist as he placed her in his car. They drove for what felt like forever, Millie drifted off against the window. Next thing she knew, she was being lifted from her warm seat in his car into his strong arms.

She groaned as he slung her arms around his neck and his grip on her slim waist tightened as he struggled to keep her up. She was so drunk that she didn't know where she was, she hadn't yet looked at Jacob's face. She entered what appeared to be her own house. Yeah, Jacob was taking her home. She groaned again, the alcohol beginning to give her a pounding headache.

With her blurred vision, she saw her Mom coming towards her with a concerned expression on her face. Her mother and the boy steadying her had a conversation, she couldn't hear it though, she was too drunk.

She heard snippets of the conversation. She heard Jacob say, ' I found her like this, she was so drunk. I had to bring her home.' His voice sounded different somehow, raspier and sexier.
She pushed that thought aside, maybe the alcohol was now messing with her hearing.

She heard her Mom say something like, 'haven't seen you in a while, it's nice to see you.' It was true Jacob hadn't been around to the house for about two weeks, considering he had been irritating Millie, so she hadn't wanted to see him. She then heard, 'thank you for bringing her home.'

She then felt herself being scooped up in a bridal lift and carried up the stairs. She nestled her head into the boy's chest, feeling warm and secure. His grip tightened on her waist. When they reached her room. He placed her gently on the bed, both hands wrapped around her small waist. She moaned as her head hit the pillow, her head pounding. She shut her eyes and felt Jacob remove her shoes and place her bedspread over her clothed body, her top still with punch spilled down the front of it.

She felt Jacobs presence still there watching her, so she fluttered her eyes open. The first thing she noticed was the jet black curls. His sharp defined cheekbones scattered with freckles. His warm eyes that looked at her with so many emotions. Her eyes felt dreary and sleepy, she felt her body pining for rest. But there he was, standing in front of her. The boy she had wished for all summer. The boy who had broken her heart. There he was in front of her. Not Jacob at all. But......


Jancy feels !!!! I'm so glad I'm writing this book again. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote.

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