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trigger warning-don't read if you get triggered!!!

Sadie, Maddie and Millie entered Romeo's large house to be greeted by booming music and drunk teenagers.

Millie adjusted her sleeveless black top and tucked some hair behind her ear.

'Mills, I'm gonna find Caleb, I'll see you later,' Sadie stalked off leaving Millie alone as Maddie had already departed to find Jack K.

She headed to the kitchen and got herself a beer. She drunk it quickly and went to talk to Jacob and Lilia on the couch.
Looking up from her conversation she caught a glimpse of Jack Grazer watching her intently. Why was he watching her? He was Finn's friend.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, she'd never really gotten along with Finn's other friends.
She looked back at Jack G and saw Wyatt, Iris, Jaeden and Sophia approaching him. She knew full well they hadn't been invited, she also knew that Romeo would probably let them in as long as Finn wasn't with them.

All of them began to come towards her, she sighed and leant back against the wall.

'Hey Millie,' Jack smiled,

It was an awkward conversation, she wasn't friends with them and she wasn't exactly happy with Finn right now.

'Hi' she said

'How's your night going?' He asked, he needed to keep conversation up with her so that he could prevent her from finding Romeo.

'It's fine. Look, I don't mean to sound rude but weren't like none of you invited' she said sassily.

Iris scoffed loudly, Millie shot her a glance.

'Look princess, take it from me, Romeo is a dick so stay away from him or he'll end up hurting you,' Iris spat whilst eying up Millie.

Millie pushed herself off the wall and squared up to Iris, 'take it from me, we're just friends and I can handle it.'

'Are you gonna go cheat on Finn then? Because he doesn't deserve that.' Iris sneered,

'Iris-' Jaeden started

'No,' she cut him off 'he's trying to protect you from fucking Romeo, and this is how you repay him; making yourself an easy target and ignoring when people are trying to help you.' Tears began to well up in her eyes.

'An easy target? What does that mean? I don't need protecting! Romeo and I are just friends so I'm not planning on cheating on Finn, I'd really appreciate it if you all back off and leave me be.' Millie shouted,

'Seriously, just let me have fun without you all being on my back.' Millie whispered before strutting into the kitchen.

'Conceited bitch,' Wyatt muttered, comforting Iris who was now crying due to memories of her incident with Romeo being brought up.

Millie swayed into the Kitchen and poured herself a drink.

'Hey baby,'

Millie jumped, Romeo's voice frightened her.
'Jesus Romeo,' she smiled hesitantly, feeling a little nervous,'you scared me.'

As Millie turned back around to get some ice, Romeo dropped something in her drink. She hadn't realised, she turned back around and smiled at him. She then took a long swig of her drink and Romeo gestured for her to go dance.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now