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Millie's heart thudded against her chest. There it was in front of her eyes. A photo of Finn and Iris standing in the lake, in their underwear, kissing passionately. She knew it was recent, Finn's hand had a band aid on it from where he had cut himself. That was only weeks ago. They were together then. Millie's heart felt like it was about to explode, she felt sick.

'Millie.....I'm sorry. I-' Maddie trailed off, looking at the photo.

The photo had been sent around the entire school. Everyone was looking at it and gossiping. Millie felt humiliated, the kiss looked like it could have led to anything.

'I need some air.' She whispered, trying to contain herself.

She walked towards the exit of the school and opened the doors. As soon as the cool wind hit her face she felt herself struggling to breathe.

'Millie....' a soft, low voice whispered. It was so fragile she almost thought she imagined it.

She turned into the hallway to see the boy she was hoping she wouldn't have to see. He came closer to her and tried to touch her hand.

She yanked her arm away from him, 'don't touch me Finn.' She snapped.

'Millie please..' his voice sounded pained, it almost hurt her. But it didn't.... she was so angry she could barely look at him.

'Please just talk to me. I know, I fucked up. But I need you to listen to me.'

'Did you fuck her?' Millie suddenly blurted, her anger taking over as she looked him dead in the eye, fuming.

'What? No! I-' Finn stuttered, 'please.... I just. I never wanted to hurt you. Please know that.'

'Well you have!' She had lost it now, tears were coming down her face faster than she could process. 'Jesus Finn, you tell me you love me and then you go and make out with some other girl. Not just any girl, but the first girl you ever loved. What am I supposed to feel? Of course I'm fucking hurt.'

'I love you.' He whispered desperately,

'Did you just tell me that so you could get me into bed and then leave me? Am I just another notch on your belt?'

'Millie no! Sweetheart no-' he moved towards her, trying to touch her face. A tear was now silently falling down his own face.

She flinched as he moved towards her. Her expression had turned steely; she was furious with him.

'Don't call me that.' She whispered sinisterly, looking away from him. Suddenly she laughed, not a genuine one, it was more sarcastic and pained.

'God, to think I fell for your bullshit. How many other girls? Tens? Hundreds? I heard about what you used to be like. Sadie told me today. And I defended you, I trusted you.'

'Millie there was no one else.'

'Can I just ask.... why did you let me believe you loved me?' She cried.

'Because I do!' He exclaimed, 'God, I love you so much it hurts me. I feel pain when I see you upset. With Iris- it was sudden, I had just told you I loved you and you had shut me down. I was heartbroken- I wasn't thinking straight-'

'So that makes it okay?'

'No! Of course it doesn't-'

She sobbed and looked away from him. He was in so much pain, he wanted to run to her and kiss her. He loved her so much. But he had messed up and he knew that. He knew there was a slim chance of her ever trusting him again. She took a deep breath and gathered herself.

She glanced at him. Her eyes suddenly cold and emotionless. It was as if she had just eliminated all that pain.

'I love you.' He tried again.

She began to cry again,

'Then why would you do this to me?' She said before she dashed out into the rain and into her car, starting the engine quickly.

Finn hesitated before following her out, he was wearing nothing but a light jumper. The rain was soaking through into his skin.

Millie's car began to drive away from the school. It was moving quickly. Too quickly. She was too emotional to be driving right now, she couldn't think straight.

Finn began to run after her car, his nerves increasing when he saw how quickly she was driving.

She only caught a last glimpse of the car, before it crashed into the side of hers. She heard a loud smash and glass fell all over her. She felt dizzy and fuzzy.

'No!' Finn shouted. He saw the man who had hit her car get out and run towards her. Cars began to gather around, he pushed past the people to Millie. He saw her. She was still conscious but had a large cut on her forehead, with blood oozing out of it.

'I'm taking you to the hospital,' he said, undoing her seatbelt.

'No. I don't need to go,' she whispered, evidently dazed.

'Yes you do.' He said as he scooped her up.

He waited in the waiting room, bouncing his knee up and down with nerves. He bit his fingernails, he knew Millie was going to be fine but he was still nervous. The thought of loosing her had really shaken him up.

The nurse called him into the room where she was cleaning Millie's head. She ran antiseptic over the large wound and Millie flinched instinctively grabbing Finn's hand, then dropping it when she realised it was him. They then put a couple of stitches in her head before covering it with a band aid.

'It was just a mild concussion. You were lucky darling, could've been a lot worse.' The nurse stated, smiling widely. 'You're free to go.'

Finn and Millie exited the room in silence. Finn helped her into his car, considering hers had been smashed up in the accident. They drove in silence, Finn wanting to hug her but knowing he shouldn't. Millie was in a state of shock. It was hard enough for her to deal with the boy she loved cheating on her, but now her head ached. She wanted it all to go away. She felt like crying.

Finn was still shocked. It had all happened so quickly. Her finding out about him and Iris and then her getting hit. The fear he had for a second when he thought he had lost her. He wouldn't be able to live without her. He needed her. The accident had really put that into perspective for him. He was relieved it hadn't been any worse.

They pulled up at her house. Silence still consuming them. The car stopped. Neither of them moved.

'I'm going to say it again; I love you. And- that accident.... shit Millie... it scared me. And the thought of loosing you terrifies me. I'm sorry that I hurt you- God... I'm so sorry. I'm a dick, I know I am. But I need you. Please.. I love you so much.' He said, his voice wavering with the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks.

She remained silent. Looking straight ahead. This silence prolonged for a few minutes. Until she glanced at him; her face emotionless.

'Thank you for taking me to the hospital and for driving me home. I'll see you around Finn.' She stated bluntly before getting out the car and walking to her house.

Thank you so much guys for all the reads. There are only 2 more chapters of Part 1 before part 2 starts. It will be a lot shorter but just as much drama!! Can't wait for you to read it!!!!!

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now