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Maybe a trigger warning.

After a week had passed, Millie had given up on attempting to talk to Finn in the hallways. Every time she saw him her eyes would skirt around him, almost as if she wanted to say something. Finn wished she would, the guilt of the kiss was driving him insane and neither Millie nor Iris were talking to him.

Finn finally got home from an exhausting day at school. It was 9:00 when he got home because he had had his job at the record store from the end of school up until then. It was dark and cold outside and he was excited to get into bed. He got into a pair of pyjama pants and took off his t-shirt. He was about to switch off the lamp in his room until he heard a soft knock at his door.

The girl he loved entered the room. She was fiddling with the hem of her dress and biting her lip.


She smiled nervously and made her way over to him taking a shaky breath. He tensed up wondering what she was going to say to him. Her eyes faltered over his bare chest as she was too nervous to make eye contact with him. Finally she did. Her hazel orbs burned into his, she was blushing lightly.

'I need to know why you love me.' Millie said shyly.

Finn walked towards her and took her hand in his.

'Okay,' he said

'Because maybe if I hear why you do love me, I can fully trust you and not be so afraid of hearing those words.... or saying them.'

Finn smirked and tucked some hair behind her ear. 'I love you because you are exactly who you are without apologising for it. You're funny, smart, beautiful as hell..... and not to mention your laugh is so freaking annoying......'

Millie laughed loudly at this causing Finn to grin.

'Just like that......I love how you're stubborn and you never listen to me and how your nose wrinkles up when you don't like something.... or how I know when your pissed off because you have the most expressive face ever....

She laughed at this again.

'I love how you are so kind and gentle and that you genuinely care about people..... and how you can be best friends with people like Lilia and Jacob and still go out with me,' he looked down at the floor, 'you're also completely unaware of your affect on me.'

She blushed as he cupped her cheek bringing her eyes up to look at him.

'So Millie Brown, that is why I love you.'

She smiled at him and leant forward and kissed him hard and short.

'You're amazing Finn. And I.... love you.'

He grinned and bought her back in for a kiss. He deepened it gliding his tongue against hers. He slipped his arms around her waist and her fingers played with his curls.

He couldn't help but feel an enormous amount of guilt over Iris. It was just in the back of his mind. He kissed Millie harder trying to forget about what he had done. He lowered her body on to the bed and began to unbutton her blouse. She smiled and he kept kissing her as his hands ran over her stomach and ribcage. He kissed under her jaw and all over her neck, placing trails of kisses all around her body. She gasped loudly, and then blushed from embarrassment. Finn was kissing her so much more than usual in attempt to get rid of the guilt he felt, as if kissing Millie would make it all go away.

'Finn....' Millie stopped him, placing her hands on his bare chest.

He peered down at her, breathing heavily.

'I want to do it......with you...' she whispered so quietly that it he hadn't been so close to her he wouldn't have heard it.

'Are you sure Millie?'

She nodded biting her lip. God she's so gorgeous.

He went back in and kissed her more passionately, his hands moving up and down her back.

He stopped for a second, 'Millie are you sure,beca-'

'Yes Finn I'm sure' she giggled.

So they kissed into the night. The guilt of Finn's shared moment with Iris slowly breaking him down.

So yes quite mature- please remember they are older!!!! Also did u notice gossip girl references. Also a very short chapter!

Thanks so much for all the reads. I love you guys!!


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