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Millie woke up to her loud alarm indicating that it was time for her to go to school. She sat up too quickly and felt the blood rush through her head. She groaned. She got changed quickly and put on minimal makeup. She felt a hangover forming and really wanted to stay home, but she knew her mom wouldn't allow that. Hangover on her first day, just brilliant.

She walked down the stairs and grabbed a pair of sunglasses, shielding her eyes from the blinding daylight. Her mom was standing in the kitchen, having made her a quick breakfast.

'I feel horrible.' She said to her mother, putting the sunglasses on her face and sitting down grumpily.

'No surprise there. You were very drunk last night Millie.' Her mom said, slightly scolding her but now used to Millie being drunk.

'How did I even get home? I remember arguing with Jacob.'

'Jacob didn't bring you home. Finn did.'

Millie froze. Finn brought her home? Why?


'Yeah he drove you home, brought you upstairs and tucked you in. It's a shame I don't see him much anymore, I like him a lot. You never told me what happened between you two.'

'Stop... Mom.' Millie said, shoving her breakfast into her mouth.

'Mills, you know you can talk to me about anything right? Anything that happens? Anything that's bothering you?'

Millie knew where this conversation was going, so quickly put an end to it.

'Yeah Mom whatever, I'm late.' She picked up her bag and got into her car quickly, driving at a quick pace to school.

She walked through the school corridor, keeping her sunglasses on and her head down. The light was still making her dizzy. She found Lilia and made her way over to her.

'You look rough,' Lilia giggled.

'Thanks Lil, I feel it.' Millie frowned, removing her sunglasses. 'What's your timetable like?'

'Awful! I have math first thing on a Monday morning.'

'Jeez, poor you.' Millie said, catching a glimpse of Sadie and Maddie looking at her from across the hallway.

The hallway then quickly began to empty as the bell rang. Millie stayed by her locker, resting her head against it, she was almost dozing off whilst standing up. Her mind began to drift to the conversation she had with her mom. How she could talk to her, but Millie couldn't talk about what was going on now. Lots of things had happened over the summer, things she wanted to forget, things that made her act out the way she did, she didn't want to talk about her feelings she wanted to bury them. Drinking and partying was the way to do that. Right?

Suddenly she heard a movement near her locker. It pained her to open her eyes, but she did. Staring long and hard at the person in front of her, before she finally spoke.

'If you're expecting a thank you for what happened last night, then you're wasting your time.' She said, still leaning her head on her locker and wearing her sunglasses.

He looked directly at her, his chocolate brown eyes piercing through her. His gaze was so intent that she felt uncomfortable. He pushed his curls back, finally breaking his gaze.

'No, no thank you necessary.'

'Then why are you here?' She asked sassily, glaring at the boy who she once loved.

'Because there is something going on with you, and I don't know what but I'm not letting this continue.' Finn replied with an equal amount of force in his voice.

'What continue?'

'The drinking, smoking, drugs.'

'You're delusional. I don't do that shit.' She said turning her head away from him and closing her eyes once more.

'Don't lie Millie.'

She removed the sunglasses from her face and looked him directly in the eye. 'Look Finn, I appreciate your concern.' She snapped sarcastically, 'but this really is no longer your business.'

'Yes it is.'


'Because I still do care about you.'

Millie laughed loudly, with disbelief. She rolled her eyes and put her sunglasses back over her face. 'You have a funny way of showing it.'

Finn looked down in shame. 'If something has.... I mean if someone has hurt you- if that's why your acting this way-'

'Save your breath Finn. No one has hurt me and you have no right to be coming here and asking me questions like that.' She scoffed.

'I know. I'm sorry.'

'Just go away please.' She said, she felt tears forming in her eyes but she refused to let them fall. She didn't want him to think she was in pain, but she was, oh god she was.

'Millie.' He said his voice steady, 'please would you just talk to me. Tell me why you're acting like this. Tell me what's with all the drinking and this whole new personality- something has happened.... and I don't know what but I need you to tell me- this isn't You Mil-

'How dare you?' She shouted, 'how dare you? You dump me before summer, you don't talk to me for two whole months and sleep with a new girl pretty much everyday and then you come here saying that I have to tell you stuff about my life and insisting that 'this isn't me', just because you happened to be there to take me home last night.'


'You broke my fucking heart Finn.' She shouted, hot tears now falling down her face rapidly. She tried to blink them away, but it was no use they kept flowing steadily. There was a long silence. Finn kept his gaze on the floor, he was too humiliated to look her in the face.

'I don't need you in my life. So stay away from me, okay?' She said, barely at a whisper.

He nodded sadly, trying to stop himself from crying. She acknowledged this looking at his face to make sure he fully understood.

'Good,' she breathed before turning and walking away from him.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now