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'Nice car,' she stated, with a smile.

'Thanks,' Finn said, hesitantly unsure if she was being sarcastic or not.

They made their way over to the black convertible and climbed in. Finn felt nervous, he didn't know why. Perhaps it was because Millie's house was far away, at least a half hour drive. His was about fifteen minutes in the other direction from Jack's which meant it would take hi about 45 minutes to get home from Millie's. That was a long drive. It was also a long drive to Millie's, meaning he would be alone in the car with her for a while.

Neither said a word to each other for roughly 10 minutes. They could both sense the awkwardness, but continued in silence.

It had started to rain. The sound of the harsh rain drops falling heavy against the windscreen had  interrupted the silence. Finn flicked the windscreen wipers on allowing him to see more clearly. He focused his eyes on the road.

He cleared his throat, 'Thanks,' he said 'for helping Talia.'

He sensed Millie's eyes on the side of his face. She looked away, the alcohol beginning to take over her system.

'You know, you could have called' she blurted out.

'What?' said Finn, confused.

'you're the reason we all stopped seeing each other' Millie said harshly, 'it's your fault we all drifted apart.'

'hold on.. wh... what?' Finn stuttered, 'Millie, it was all of our faults-

'No, you stopped sitting with us and you always blew us off, to be around your new friends and that.. Iris'

'Don't speak about Iris like that' Finn breathed

'Like what?'

'Like you don't like her..'

'Don't be ridiculous Finn, I hardly know her'

'Exactly, you don't know her'

The silence continued for a couple more minutes, the tension was high. Both were nervous to breathe.

'Stop the car,' Millie spoke suddenly '"I'll walk from here.' She began trying to open the door.

'Millie don't be stupid, I'm dropping you home'


'You could get hurt, you're drunk..'

'Like you care' she scoffed

'God Millie I care'

It had now become evident that Millie still felt bitter towards Finn for causing the splitting of their friendship group. The rest of the car journey was spent in silence.

'we're here' Finn said softly. The lights were off in the house, Millie's family were asleep. They had known she'd been at a party and had expected her to be staying with Sadie. The time was 3:30.

Finn turned the engine off and let out a long breath.

'Finn?' Millie looked up at him, her eyes filled with overflowing tears, 'I'm sorry', her voice croaked. She was on the verge of crying.

He smiled sadly 'I'm sorry too, I should've called'

'It wasn't your fault' 

Finn instinctively reached over and kissed Millie's forehead. Like a brother would do to his sister. Millie couldn't help but feel disappointment radiate through her, she didn't know why, it wasn't like she liked him.

'Night Millie, see you tomorrow at school' 

'What? No Finn, it's late and it'll take you ages to get back to yours,' she paused 'stay here.'

He looked at her, a smile crept on to his face 'you sure?'

'yes Finn, I'm sure' 

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Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now