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Beep. Beep. Beep.
Millie woke up abruptly and whacked her alarm to silence it and slumped back down under the covers.
After five minutes of snoozing she pulled herself out of bed and moved towards her wardrobe.
She had decided to be happy today. Show her friends and peers that the other day was just a fluke, she was just tired. That in reality she was happy as ever. However, she knew one person would not buy her joyful persona.
She shook her head and pushed him to the back of her mind; she needed an outfit that would reflect her happy mood, unlike the dark outfit she wore the other day.
She picked out a white short sleeve blouse and a red skirt paired with tights and black converse. It was still cold out.
During the drive to school she was thinking about how to apologise to her friends, to explain to them she was just in a bad mood, that it was all a misunderstanding.

She took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. Her mind was too occupied with thoughts; she didn't notice the car zooming towards her.

She heard a screech of wheels and expected a collision to follow, but she was snatched out of the way in a blur.
'Jesus Millie, you could've gotten yourself killed.' He muttered lowly, his breath tickling her ear and his arms still wrapped tightly around her middle. He had pulled her out of the way.

Then people began to crowd.

'Millie are you okay?'

'Are you hurt?'

'Did the car touch you?'

'Do we need to call an ambulance?'

'Guys, I'm fine. Thanks ' Millie announced, indicating for everyone to leave her alone.
At this point Romeo, who was driving the car, had gotten out followed by Jacob.

'Mills, I didn't hurt you did I?' Romeo questioned frantically, 'God baby, I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going.'

Millie flinched at the nickname, but then went on to reassure Romeo.
'It's fine Romeo. I'm fine.... and I'm sorry about the other day'

Romeo smiled 'I'm sorry too.... do you wanna head to class?'
Millie nodded before turning back to Finn, the boy who had saved her.
'Thanks,' she mouthed and then ran to catch up with Romeo.

Finn's friend group who had watched the whole  scene unfold stood in a stunned silence.
'What?' Finn asked,looking at their shocked faces 'you guys would've done the same thing.'

They all headed into the school building, Iris couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously. She had seen how Finn had been so aware of Millie recently, it made her miss his protectiveness.

Millie waltzed into the cafeteria at lunch, with false joy plastered on her face. She put her tray down next to Sadie on her friend's table and sat down dramatically. She glanced around the table seeing her usual group, plus Gaten today (he was always welcomed.)

She then sighed before starting random conversation to soften the tension which had built when she had sat down.
'Did you see Bibi Ryan's skirt today? I'm totally digging it.'

'I was thinking the exact same thing' Maddie chirped in, this allowed the girls to gossip as normal as if none of the events a couple of days ago had ever happened.
Millie felt comfortable that everything was back to the way it was before.

Finn watched her from across the cafeteria, he could see right through her act. He knew she was putting this happiness on, he knew she was really hurting. Iris watched Finn watching Millie and felt the same feeling of envy as she did before. She hoped that this 'thing' they had going on wouldn't last.

The end of the school day finally arrived. Finn caught sight of Millie leaving, he ran to catch up with her.

'Hey Millie'

'Oh hey Finn' she said too happily, confirming that this sudden joy was in fact an act.

'You okay?'

'Me, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?' Millie smiled.

'Well the other day you-'

'Finn. I'm fine' she said cutting him off.

'Hey, do you want to get a drink? In the cafe on the corner, my treat.'

'Finn i don't need you babying me. I'm fine.'

'It's just a drink.'



'Yes,' she couldn't help but suppress a smile as they walked to the cafe.

Once the initial awkwardness was overcome, Millie and Finn found themselves talking and laughing in the cafe for hours. They recalled hilarious memories from their past and told stories of what had happened since they had distanced. Millie found herself smiling a genuine smile for the first time in a while.

Millie glanced at her watch, 'as great as this has been Wolfhard, I need to go.' She smirked.

'I'll walk you.'

'No Finn-'

'Shh Millie. Don't protest. I want to.'

She smiled knowing he wasn't going to give in and they exited the cafe together.
When they finally arrived back at Millie's, Finn felt as if he wasn't ready to leave her yet.

'Thanks Finn, I needed that. I had fun' she smiled.

'See you tommorow Millie.'

She smirked and turned around ready to walk away, but not before Finn turned her back around to face him. He suddenly cupped the side of her face with one hand and grabbed her waist with the other pulling her towards him and he kissed her. She was shocked at first but kissed back allowing his tongue to graze against her teeth. Him biting her bottom lip as he backed her up against the wall of her house. Eventually he pulled away with his eyes still closed allowing his fingers to trace her collarbone. She shivered. His face was still close to hers and she could feel his hot breath on her neck.

He paused and looked into her eyes before whispering, ' I had to do that. At least once.'

Then he turned and walked away, leaving her flustered and confused.

Hey guys.

Sorry this was rushed. Let me know what you think about the story by commenting and voting.
Thank you x

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