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Major trigger warning.

She sat up on his bed. His hand was placed gently against her lower back, rubbing it lightly. She had stopped crying and was now ready to tell Finn what had been happening, she took a deep breath. It was daunting having to tell him something that she knew would hurt him.

'Before I tell you anything, I need you to promise me you won't do anything stupid.' She said calmly, watching his expression grow worried.

'Millie you're scaring me.'

'Just promise me.'

He hesitated, knowing that whoever it was who had hurt her he would kill. 'I promise,' he said, because to him hurting someone who hurt her wasn't stupid.

She took a deep breath again and began. 'Okay, so after you broke up with me I began to spend lots of time with Jacob- he was there for me and helped me through a difficult time. I wanted to hurt you, like you had hurt me so when Jacob asked me out I agreed and I became his girlfriend.....'

Finn knew Millie didn't truly like him- he wondered why she was still with him.

'..... I was using him to make you jealous, which I admit was wrong of me. And you payed no attention.....'

He did though, Finn remembered how jealous he was when he saw her around with Jacob, but he didn't want to interrupt her story.

'I started to drink more- I had fallen out with Sadie and Maddie and you were no longer around.... I felt very alone. As I drank more Jacob became more physical. Every time we were alone he wanted to make out. But then he wanted to go further- he wanted to have sex with me.....'

Finn felt sick- not just at the idea of Millie sleeping with someone else, but at the idea of Jacob pressuring her.

'...... I stopped him though. I didn't want to sleep with him. Then... this one night, I got really, really drunk. I had seen you flirting with some blonde bimbo and I was really jealous- I drank pretty much a whole bowl of punch. The next thing I knew I was upstairs with Jacob on top of me.....'

Finn felt his heart thump.... she wasn't saying that.... it wasn't that....

'...... he was telling me that he loved me and that he wanted me..... that he had been jealous of the other guys looking at me...... I told him I didn't want to have sex with him, and I tried to push him off..... but he was strong... and Romeo was there holding me down while Jacob.....'

Finn's heart had stopped beating.

'While he raped me.'

There was a sickening silence. Neither of them moved. Tears streamed down Millie's face silently.

Finn stood up swiftly and moved to his wardrobe. Suddenly he kicked the door loudly, letting his anger out. He punched the wall, allowing his fist to sink into it- he did this repeatedly. He kicked and punched and screamed until all of his anger was let out. His fists were bloody and his forehead was sweaty. All he could see was red. He was so angry. Angry that they had hurt her, angry that he couldn't protect her. Then came the feeling of helplessness. He continued to punch and kick the wall. Blood dropped down his hand.

Millie stood up, trying to stop him- ' Finn stop it. You're scaring me.'

Then he broke down. Tears were streaming down his face and he was sobbing. His entire body was shaking, he looked like he was having a fit. Millie was petrified, she had never seen him so emotional. In fact, she had never seen him properly cry.


'I'm sorry Millie.' He sobbed, 'I'm so so so so sorry.'

He grabbed her and pulled her into his arms, holding her delicate body against his chest. He had failed. The one thing he needed to do was protect the girl he loved and he had failed. He had allowed someone to hurt her, and he wouldn't forgive himself. He buried his curls into her neck and pulled her tighter to him. Now she was crying too, which made him even more sad. Eventually they pulled away, the mood still sombre in the room. She collapsed her little body on the bed with exhaustion, whilst Finn paced around the room.

'I'm going to fucking kill him. I'm going to fucking kill them both.'

'No you're not. Please Finn- no one knows, you're the only one I've told. Guys do this all the time and nothing ever happens- it's fucked up but it's true.'

'Don't you think it's worth a shot- to tell the fucking police?' Finn demands angrily, then regretting it.

'It won't work. They're both loaded, white rich boys- if they're proven guilty they'll do like a total of 6 months. Romeo's probably raped thousands of girls-

'Romeo.... he raped you as well?' Finn asked, hoping that it wasn't true.

Millie looked down, 'they both did.'

'Fucking hell.' Finn cursed, running his fingers through his hair frustratedly. He was so angered and hurt that he didn't protect her. 'Why didn't you tell me sooner? So we could have done something sooner?' He yelled, he hated that he was getting angry with her in a moment when she was so fragile, but he couldn't help himself. He had never wanted to kill two people more than he did right now.

'No Finn! You hurt me!'

He froze, realising how this must have added to the pain she was feeling at the time. 'Millie..... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to shout. I just.... this is so hard..... I feel awful.... if I hadn't.... dumped you, they wouldn't have had the chance to lay a finger on you.... I swore no one would ever hurt you and they did.'

'This isn't your fault. Jacob; the day after he told me that he loved me and that he only did it because he loved me..... and I was scared Finn, I was embarrassed... I didn't want anyone to know..... I still don't.'

'Why are you still fucking going out with him, Millie?' Finn yelled, his anger revving up again.'

'Because he's manipulative. He always tells me he loves me and that he didn't mean to hurt me and that he won't speak to Romeo again- and I'm so fucking weak and fragile that I believe him- because right now he's all I have.'

Finn's heart sunk.

'Millie.... I love you. I never stopped loving you and I will respect anything you want, but this? They are not getting away with this.' He crouched down in front of her, he cupped her face and kissed her cheek. She leaned her forehead against his.

'Me and you, we're gonna get through this Okay?' He said, 'I'm not going anywhere from now on sweetheart.'

She nodded lightly, 'that's why I drink and smoke.' She gulped, holding back tears, ' to get rid of the pain and that feeling of helplessness. They took away my freedom and my trust in people. I don't feel safe anymore- I just want things to go back to the way they were.....' she broke down in tears.

Finn planted kisses all around her face while she collapsed into him. He soothed her gently. Last time he had seen her like this was when Romeo had hurt her previously. Back then he had sworn to kill Romeo and failed. This time he wouldn't fail. He was going to fucking ruin Romeo Beckham.

So there's Millie's problem. Hope this wasn't too dark and horrible to read. This book is filled with a lot of drama and more to come. I hope you are all enjoying even though it is very dark. Love you all.

Through the Glass: FillieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant