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Millie woke up tangled in the sheets of her bed. His arm was thrown sloppily around her waist and his curls were stuck to his face. She looked at him and smiled, kissing his freckled nose. They had fallen asleep talking and laughing last night. As fun as it was, she was beginning to wish they hadn't because today was school and she was tired.

Millie got changed into the white dress she had been wearing before and pulled over one of Finn's oversized sweatshirts. She decided it was time to wake him up and placed herself on top of him. She began kissing his jaw and cheeks until he began to stir in his sleep, his confused expression turning into a happy one when he realised who was kissing him. He grabbed her waist and rolled over her, so he was hovering above her. He kissed her neck and she giggled.

'Is this my sweatshirt?' He smirked,

'Yes,' she said still giggling.

'Well, you look adorable.' He said kissing her again before pushing himself out of bed to get changed.

They walked into school laughing and playfully chasing each other. Finn's arm slung around Millie's shoulder and she placed hers around his waist due to the height difference. They looked like a perfect couple.

'Shit! I'm late.' Finn exclaimed, 'I have extra Bio.'

'Go on then Finnie! Don't be late.' She giggled.

He began running then remembered he hadn't kissed her. He ran back to her and lifted her up, placing a long and tender kiss on her lips. Most students watched this, it was like a cheesy scene in a movie.

'See ya later Brown.' He shouted over his shoulder, before dashing towards the science department.

Millie laughed to herself before catching sight of Sadie and Maddie. She skipped over to them.

'Mills! We haven't seen you in ages,' Maddie beamed,

'I know Mads we need a catch up.'

'Well we all have free periods now. Coffee?' Sadie questioned looking at her best friends.

They all nodded. So the three beautiful girls headed out of the school with their arms linked with each other and headed to Sadie's car. They drove across the town until they reached the old diner they always used to eat and gossip in. It looked worn down with the 'I'missing from 'Nonnie's', but it was where they had always gone and they loved it there.

They ordered food and coffee and sat in one of the booths. They chatted and gossiped for a bit until Sadie perked up and asked Millie,

'So what do you need to tell us?'

Millie smiled, nervous to tell them; 'well I knew I couldn't keep it from you guys. So....'

'What?' Maddie asked, her eyes filled with excitement

'Finn and I, we kinda....'

'Omg. You slept with him?' Maddie exclaimed,

'Mills..' Sadie shrieked, 'how was it?'

'Sadie, oh my god.' Millie said

'No seriously, what was he like?' Maddie questioned

'He was great. He was so gentle and sweet and he kept asking if I was okay.'

'Awwhhhhh..' the girls said, 'we're so happy for you!!'

'How did he find it?' Maddie asked,

'I don't know. I think he had a good time.'

'God knows he's done it enough times.' Maddie murmured.

'What?' Millie asked, confused.

'Nothing. It's just.... there was a time when Finn had a lot of girls. Literally nothing to worry about, it's his past. Maddie's just being annoying.' Sadie said whilst glaring at the blue eyes brunette.

Millie's head spun. What did that mean? He would never cheat on her would he? No. She was being paranoid, Finn loved her. She chose to ignore it and move on with the conversation.

They chatted for a while more, before they came to the realisation that they needed to get back to school for lessons. So they hopped in Sadie's car and began to drive back.

Finn sat and chatted to Jaeden, Jack and Caleb.

'Finn totally got laid.' Jack shouted.

'Jack? Shut up.' Finn said smirking,

'Well how was it?' Jaeden asked,

'It was good. She's incredible.'

'What was she like?'

'She was terrified at first, but she relaxed into it. But guys, I'm telling you this because you're my friends.... I don't want her to find out and think that she's just another girl to me, because she's not. I'm in love with her.'

'Oohhhh Finnie's in love!!' Caleb teased.

'Yeah. I am.' Finn said whilst thinking about the gorgeous girl he loved.

Suddenly Jaeden's phone pinged. He pulled it out of his pocket and his face clouded over. He showed the screen to Caleb and Jack whose faces became steely.

'What guys?' Finn asked, concerned as to why his friends were suddenly serious.

'Obviously not that in love.' Jack said before handing Finn the phone with a photo on its screen.

Millie, Sadie and Maddie arrived at school and bounced through the school corridors. They were happy, nothing could ruin their moods. But they then caught sight of Lilia and Jacob hunched over a phone screen, the expressions on their faces were solemn. You would have thought somebody died.

'Guys, what's wrong?' Maddie asked,

Lilia looked up.... an expression of sympathy crossing her features.

'Millie, you need to see this....' she said, handing her the phone.

Drama is about to happen!!!! Guys thanks so much for all the reads I love you.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now