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'Shhhh' Millie hushed Finn as he tripped loudly into the house.  She had now sobered up and was more anxious about waking her parents up.
They made their way upstairs quietly, careful not to wake Millie's parents. Millie creaked open her bedroom door and switched on the lights. Finn looked around, it was very different from when he was last there. The baby pink walls had been painted a light gray and the framed photos and posters of her favourite movies and her family had been replaced with photos of her and her friends. She looked gorgeous in all of them. Finn couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed, he felt as if the room didn't show who she really was. It was more just a copy of every other teenaged girl room.

'I'm gonna go and get changed' Millie whispered before disappearing into the bathroom to get changed, accidentally leaving the door slightly ajar.

Finn sat down on her bed and more closely examined the photographs around the room. Most were with Millie and Sadie. Occasionally Lilia and Jacob were in them, as well as Romeo and Maddie's boyfriend Jack.

Finn's eyes landed on a photograph. It was of Sadie, Noah, Gaten, Caleb, him and Millie. They were smiling and all dressed in silly Halloween costumes. He chuckled lightly, it was when they were all in Middle school and about 13. Nearly five years ago he thought.

His gaze moved to the bathroom door there was a line of light passing from the bathroom into the bedroom from where the door was open.

He caught sight of Millie, she was removing her sweater and was then standing in her bra. She was so beautiful.His breath hitched, he blushed. She hadn't seen him but he was embarrassed and ashamed for looking at her. It was an accident he told himself.

She remerged from the bathroom in some cute pj bottoms and an oasis tshirt. She smiled shyly  at him.

'I'm sorry I don't have any spare clothes for you,' she said as she sat down on the bed next to him.

'It's fine,' he smiled.

'Have you checked how Talia is?' Millie asked,

'Yes, she's awake but needs to stay in hospital for a bit longer. She'll be okay though'

'Good' Millie's eyes landed on the photograph that Finn had been looking at earlier.

'That was a fun Halloween,' she said

Finn followed her gaze,

'Yeah' he nodded

'You know the reason I got so angry before is because I miss that more than anything. When we were all friends that was the happiest I've ever been, I guess I needed someone to blame for that all being taken away from me.'

'I miss it too, but I'm happy now as well. I love my new friends.'

Millie nodded. Finn knew there was something she wasn't telling him, but he decided not to push it.

He suddenly felt brave and decided to ask her something which would potentially annoy her intensely.

'Can I ask,Millie? Why Romeo?'

She scoffed loudly 'What sort of question is that?'

'An important one, he's not a nice guy Mills'

'Please don't call me that'

'Sorry' he breathed

'How would you know if he's nice or not?'

'He tried to .. Er... hurt Iris'

Millie looked at him, her eyes wide with intrigue but her body language suggesting she didn't want to hear more.

'He's never tried anything with me'

'What? Millie did you see him in the kitchen tonight? All he wants is to sleep with you and then ditch you.'

Her hazel eyes glazed over, she flinched. Finn could tell she was hurt.

'I'm sorry'

'It's fine' she said hollowly, 'can we go to bed?'

He nodded. She pulled back the covers and climbed into bed.

He removed his jacket and shoes and got into the other side of the bed, careful to leave a large space between them both.

'It really hurt when we didn't talk anymore' Millie said suddenly.

'It was right after my dad died and I needed you all. I felt like you didn't care'

'Millie, I was there! You could've come to me whenever you wanted'

'No I couldn't have, you were too distracted by Iris to even notice how much pain I was in'

'That's unfair, Millie I helped the best I could. I was 13 for God's sakes.'

'So was I!' She croaked, tears now streaming down her face. 'It was too much to loose my Dad and my best friends all in the space of a month.'

There was a short silence as Millie sobbed.

'I just miss him.'

'I know you do,' Finn said as he reached over and squeezed her hand. 'I'm so sorry'

They lay there in silence gripping onto each other's hands as Millie began to calm down.

'You okay ?' Finn whispered

She nodded.

'Night Finn' she murmured.

'Night Millie'

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now