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Finn groaned as he pulled himself out of bed. It was now Monday morning. Millie had left his house yesterday to spend the day with Sadie and Maddie, they comforted her.

He pulled on a basic Umbro shirt and some jeans and trudged down the stairs to see Nick.

'You look happy,' Nick stated sarcastically,

'It's early and I'm tired.'

'Shouldn't have spent all of Saturday up with Millie,' Nick winked.

Finn rolled his eyes, 'I'm going to school.'

Finn arrived in the school hallway, and saw his friends.

'Hey guys,'

'Hey Finn,' they all greeted.

Iris flicked his chest, 'we're all going out for drinks later, you coming?

Finn smiled, 'yeah I'll come.'

Finn's eyes scanned the hallway, looking for someone in particular.

'Finn, we know you're looking for Romeo.... but bad idea. He's a big guy, he'll destroy you.' Jaeden said.

'I can't let him get away with it.' Finn replied angrily.

'Finn, after Iris you were in bed for like a week because you were so bruised up. It's not worth it.' Jack whispered, trying to keep Iris out of earshot.

'Oh trust me, it's worth it.'

Finn caught a glimpse of Millie, 'guys I'll see you later.' He said before wondering off to find her.

Millie was biting her nails anxiously, looking around the hallways, trying to hide her face.

Finn touched her waist, 'hey Millie,'

Tears filled her eyes, 'Finn I'm scared. What if I see him? I don't want to, and what do I say?' Finn shushed gently in her ear. He whispered to her soothingly.

Sadie and Maddie watched silently, they were next to Millie. They had secretly disapproved of Millie and Finn's relationship, but seeing him calm her was something they couldn't even do as her best friends.

After Millie had relaxed slightly, Finn piped up, 'hey guys, my friends and I are going out for drinks later. Do you guys wanna bring some people?'

His hand was still clamped around Millie's waist as she reached up and kissed his cheekbone.

'We'd love to.' She said simply.

The evening arrived and Finn went to Millie's house to collect her, Sadie and Maddie.

Millie's mom opened the door.

'Finn I haven't seen you in a very long time,' she said, pulling him in for a hug.

Millie's stepdad reached over and shook his hand.

'How are you son?' He said, using that old fashioned 'son' expression which Finn had never understood. Why call someone son if they're not your son?

Finn didn't particularly like Millie's stepfather. Years back he had hit Millie once, because he was drunk and she was being spoilt. Millie insisted it was her fault and that it wouldn't happen again, but Finn was suspicious of this man.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now