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'Guess who?'

Finn felt two small hands covering his eyes and a small, cute giggle close to his ear. He grabbed the petite girls arms and turned around to face her, placing a kiss on her nose.

'I wonder....' he smirked as she giggled.

He pulled her in for a quick hug around her waist, she stiffened slightly as he did this. He decided to take no notice of this.

'I'm still scared about seeing Romeo, Finn. How do I react?'

'You don't,' Finn shushed her, 'Mills, look at me. Don't allow him to affect you like this, he's not even worth a hair on your head.'

She nodded in agreement and pushed her forehead against his.
'As much as I'd love to stay, I have to go to Calculus.' Millie frowned slightly.

'Bye gorgeous,' Finn kissed her ear.

He watched her turn around the corner and walk off, just thinking about how lucky he was.
He was about to walk to the library when he saw the one person he had been secretly hoping to see.

'Romeo,' Finn seethed.

Romeo just flashed him an evil grin. Before squaring up to Finn, attempting to look intimidating. Which considering he was a football player, was actually succeeding.

'Hey Wolfhard, haven't seen you in a while.' He said, purposely attempting to aggravate Finn.

Finn had enough. He shoved Romeo's chest hard. 'You son of a bitch.'

'Woah, woah careful Wolfhard. I can ruin you.'

Finn was too blinded by anger to realise that he was in fact going to lose this fight. Finn may have been tall and lanky, but Romeo was a football player. He was a big guy.

Finn shoved him again. Romeo stumbled back slightly.

'Are you sure Finn? I mean she's really not worth it. Hot, maybe.... but I mean she's a desperate slut. She was practically begging me to-'

Finn whacked Romeo hard in the face. Blood was now seeping out of his nose.

'She is NOT a slut, you dick.'

Finn kicked Romeo; 'if you ever call her that again, or touch her or even look at h-'

Finn was cut off by a large thump to his face. His vision instantly became blurred and he could taste blood in his mouth.

Next thing he knew, he was on the floor being repeatedly punched and kicked. He could feel bruises forming and felt blood in his mouth and coming out from his nose. He knew there was no use in attempting to fight back.

Romeo eventually began stop. Finn groaned and looked up at him through his swollen eyes.

'Word of advice Wolfhard. Millie's not even worth it- just like Iris wasn't. Next time pick someone not so needy. She wanted me. She was wearing that outfit, and dancing and she drank so much, too much. It was too easy for me and tempting. If you don't want your girlfriend attracting boys, don't let her go out like that. It's distracting. She should have been watching her drink. But don't worry Wolfhard- I'll get her next time.'

Finn was repulsed by what this brat was saying.

'You fucking pig,' he managed to utter through his highly swollen lips.

'A pig which just beat your ass.' Romeo chuckled before leaving a collapsed Finn in the middle of the hallway.

Finn somehow managed to drag himself to the school restrooms.

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now