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Two weeks passed since that night. Millie and Finn hadn't spoken to each other since except the occasional 'hey' in the school hallways.

Finn hadn't seen Millie around school in a while and constantly found himself looking around for her. He never used to do that.

'Finn? Hello? Finn?' Iris snapped Finn out of his trance.

'Dude, you spaced out,' Wyatt said.

Talia was back and was better, however she was getting strange glances from peers around the school.

'I feel as if everyone is staring at me,' Talia said shyly.

'Don't worry about it, some new drama will pop up and everyone will forget about it,' Jack reassured her.

'Yeah like that....' Jaeden stated, glancing over at an argument which was kicking off at the opposite end of the cafeteria.

'Oh fuck you Jacob' Millie shouted whilst picking up her lunch tray.

'Millie what the hell?' Romeo screamed back

'What has gotten into you?'

'Why are you acting like such a bitch?'

'Oh I'm the bitch,' Millie scoffed, 'look at all you gossiping about people you hardly know, always complaining about your fucking perfect lives,' she screamed.

'Piss off Millie' Lilia seethed.

'Happily,' Millie smiled before turning on her heel and leaving the cafeteria.

'Millie.... wait....Millie' Sadie tried to follow her.

A short silence in the cafeteria followed.

'Shows over' Maddie shouted to the cafeteria, who were watching in awe at the dramatic scene that had unfolded in front of them.

Millie looked exhausted. She was dressed in scruffy clothes and her eyes were puffy and red. She looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. Finn couldn't help but overhear in Math that her grades were slipping, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't concerned.

'Jeez, someone's on their period,' Sophia whispered to Finn's table of friends.

'Shut up Sophia,' Finn snapped before following Millie out of the cafeteria.

That was probably a bit harsh. He thought.
I'll apologise later.

Now he wanted to find Millie and see what was going on with her.

He exited the school and the cold wind and rain hit him. He pulled his hood above his head. He saw Millie getting in her car and quickly jogged to his in order to follow her.

He followed her through the town, until she finally stopped somewhere on the outskirts. The lake. Millie and Finn used to go all the time when they were younger, it was the place where just the two of them went when they wanted to be away from the rest of the group.

Finn trudged through the rain to find Millie sitting on the bench looking over the water and wearing a large trench coat and a hat to shelter her from the rain.

Finn saw the tears streaming down her face.

'Can I join you?' He asked

She jumped slightly when she heard his voice, and began desperately trying to wipe the tears off her face.

'No one is stopping you,'

Finn sat down slowly and looked over the lake.

'You still come here?' He asked

Through the Glass: FillieWhere stories live. Discover now